17 November 2022

A Good Read

Let This be our Secret by Deric Henderson

The shocking true story of a killer dentist, his mistress, how they murdered their spouses, and how they almost got away with it.
The date was May 1991. The location: a quiet, picturesque seaside town. The scene: two bodies in a car filled with carbon monoxide. It was thought that police officer Trevor Buchanan and nurse Lesley Howell had taken their own lives, unable to live with the pain of their spouses’ affair with each other. The adulterers - Sunday school teacher Hazel Buchanan and dentist Colin Howell had met in the local Baptist Church. Deeply religious and deeply in love they wanted to be together but Howell would not entertain divorce, opting instead for murder. It was uncomfortable reading about how they planned and executed the murders.  
Two decades later a series of disasters in Howell’s life - the death of his eldest son, massive losses in an investment scam and the revelation that he had been sexually assaulting female patients led to him declaring that he was a fraud and a godless man. He confessed all to the elders of his Church. What followed that dramatic confession were two of the most sensational murder investigations ever seen in Ireland, leading to Howell’s conviction for murder in December 2010, and Buchanan’s in March 2011,  despite her protestations of innocence.

Polly x


  1. Replies
    1. Weren't they just. He was an egotistical psychopath and she wasn't much better.

  2. This sounds creepy but pretty good in a weird way!

  3. Was there a tv series/film about this? It has a vaguely familiar ring.
