6 December 2021

I Won 1st Prize!!

When I wrote about the Christmas market I went to on Saturday I hadn't had a telephone call from the Cathedral people so I assumed I hadn't won anything in the raffle. Then yesterday midday I received a call telling me I had won first prize!

Six bottles of wine!! How good is that. I'm not a serious wine drinker, I enjoy an occasional glass of red when I go out for a meal, or at home, I also like rosé, and the only white wine I drink regularly is Asti Spumante.

I'm sure I will like the reds and the rose, and my son-in-law will enjoy the white ones. If not I will donate some of them to our forthcoming Burns Night celebration in the village hall next year.

Bottoms up 🍷

∼ Be warm and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. What a wonderful prize! Cheers!

  2. Now, that's a fabulous prize to win! And you'll have wine to take if you are asked to someone's home for dinner!

    1. Yes I will Jeanie, and I think they are good wines :-)

  3. Cheers!
    Nice to have a bit of luck occasionally, even if not adequate compensation for having your Christmas trip cancelled.

    1. Not much could compensate for not going to see my daughter, but yes you're right John, it is nice to have some good luck now and again.

  4. That was a lovely surprise to receive especially after having had such a recent disappointment.

  5. What a nice surprise that win was for you, Polly, and it's nice to be able to share.

    1. Yes it was Beatrice. I turned out to be a good day.
