9 December 2021

Christmas Tree Festival

A neighbouring village has hosted a Christmas tree festival in their church for a number of years now. They didn't have one last year but it was back again this year, and very well attended. As well as all the lovely imaginative entries they also had a raffle (didn't win this one) and refreshments - tea and cake.
Join me as we wander around and marvel at all the lovely trees.

Cat - tas- tro - tree. Cats in all manner of poses.
Made out of pipe cleaners, wool and felt. One of my favourites.
That note at the bottom says "Can you spot the intruder?" 
I think it was this mouse

How adorable is this tiny Mad Hatter Tea Party tree. Another favourite
It looked better than the photo, the lighting was difficult
also I think my phone camera has seen better days

The Land of Sweets

The Tree of Sisterhood celebrating some inspirational British women

All Things Bright And Beautiful

The Wheatsheaf, another favourite
clever use of beer mats and corks

A Clangers Christmas by the bell ringers

Pom Pom tree

This was lovely
The village church needs a new roof, work has begun

the builders are making good progress

My WI group's entry, The Lockdown tree, photographs showing what we did during lockdown

 arts and crafts, gardening, dog walking, dolls house work, quilting, dressmaking,
reading, baking and drinking gin! not all of us, I don't like gin!

Starry Night

Upcycled tree

 decorated with ring pulls, plastic bottles, buttons and a host of other recyclables.
A cheery snowman made with bottle tops

This Father Christmas was another favourite

Embroidered Scrap Fabric tree

A Christmas Carol by the garden and allotment society

Faces by the Portrait Group. I've done some sitting for them,
one of the photos is a painting of me that one of the ladies did. 

Beaver Tree by the Beaver Scouts

how cute are these little beavers

Another small and beautiful one. The Knowman snows your library

How gorgeous is this, it was my overall favourite.
Barrow Farm Riding school for the disabled

Forest Tree was really lovely, much better than the photo shows

This was part of the church decoration.

It was so good to have the tree festival back, and to see it so well attended.

∼ Be warm and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. Replies
    1. I know, I'm always blown away by the ideas for the trees.

  2. What a fun event! All of these trees are very clever and creative. I would have a hard time picking a favorite -- there were several I was especially captivated by. Lots of good ideas there, too! Thanks for sharing this!

    1. It was difficult choosing just one. The public voted but the church committee voted for a winner. I haven't been able to find out who won though.

  3. I’ve been to a few tree festivals and the themes are always fun to see. My fave above is The Christmas Carol tree, but yes, I love the cute little beavers.

    1. It was so good to have it back this year.

  4. Thank you for sharing this wonderful event. Such a great variety and so much to see!

  5. All very imaginative! I like the upcycled tree and the paintbrush star on top of the portraits tree!

  6. These are all so wonderful! I don't thing I could pick a favorite although the Upcycle and Lockdown trees are at the top of the list!

    1. It was difficult deciding which one to vote for. Eventually I opted for our WI one out of loyalty :-)

  7. What a wonderful collection. Such ingenuity and originality. I rather like the Father Christmas Tree. And the Pom Pom Tree, just because of the sheer number of decorations that have been squeezed on to it!

    1. I would have voted for the Father Christmas tree if my WI hadn't participated.

  8. What a wonderful collection of creatively decorated trees with themes as well. It's nice that it could return again.

    1. Hello Beatrice. Everyone was saying how nice it was to have it back again.

  9. What a fun time you had! So many creatively decorated trees. My favorite is the pom pom tree. It's so elegant. xx
