4 December 2021

Christmas Market

I wrote these same words exactly a year ago - "Today should have been a happy day, it's the day I should have flown to Australia to spend Christmas with my daughter". As I write this I would be about half way there, looking forward to seeing my darling girl again, meeting her partner, looking round her new home, chatting non stop, and meeting the cat and dog!

But it is what it is, getting angry won't change things. I've had a good day going into town to browse around the Christmas market held in the Cathedral. 

A few stalls outside in the cold, and lots more inside in the warm

The first thing I heard as I entered was the glorious sound of the Rock Choir,
they were truly superb

Lots of stalls selling lovely Christmas things

How cute is this

An excellent raffle, which I didn't win 
and wonderful food which I regret not having, opting for just a coffee. I hadn't long had breakfast and I wanted to wait to have coffee and cake at the Christmas tree festival
I went to in the afternoon. The festival was good, the tea and cake were disappointing.

More on the Christmas tree festival later.

Elsewhere in town there were the usual market stalls

the wonderful Salvation Army

and entertainment

I did a double take here, thinking someone had made a spelling mistake,
then I realised they had used the Chelmsford postcode.

∼ Be warm and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. Looks like a very nice day even though being on the way to see your daughter would have been better. My daughter also lives a long way off - not as far as Australia but long enough that I don't see her often.

    1. It was a good day Pam, I made the most of it.

  2. Such a shame how so many people's plans have been spoiled by this dratted pandemic. I'm not really thinking about Christmas yet, despite having written all my cards (Well done, you are supposed to say).

  3. I’m disappointed for you! My son and DIL are still hoping to go on their Europe trip in two weeks, but it’s looking dicey. Their first leg is the Christkindl markets in Munich.

    1. I hope your son and DIL manage to do their trip.

  4. I’m having trouble commenting; if I write more than two lines, it deletes.

    1. I don't know if it's my site, the same thing happened when I first replied to comments on this post.

    2. I find the same thing as Bijoux. I keep having to rewrite my comments. Do you have a local techie who could investigate?

    3. I don't know anyone, although I think someone advertises in our village magazine. I will look into it.

  5. this post is festive although I imagine your heart is sad about not seeing your daughter this year. Take care.

  6. The Christmas Market outside Belfast City Hall is back this year, but with stringent conditions of entry - proof of vaccination or negative covid test etc. What a shame about your planned trip to Australia. The pandemic is so unpredictable I'm not even sure December 2022 will be any better.

    1. Oh no, I can't bear to think next year won't be any better.

  7. Let's hope you make it to Australia NEXT year!

    1. I do hope so Debra. I was hoping to go in March, but I'm not booking a flight yet!

  8. I am so sorry that once again your Christmas plans to visit your daugher in Australia have been thwarted by this wretched Pandemic. I am not holding my breath either about spending Christmas with our family as the new virus appears to be spreading rapidly.
    It is annoying to learn that anti-vaxxers are now filling up the hospital ICUs thus preventing people who need urgent treatment for cancer etc, is is so selfish.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. I understand people who have a genuine fear of needles etc., but the people who refuse to have the vaccine because of their "human rights" make me so angry.

  9. The markets look wonderful -- and at least you can go to them this year with a bit more safety. The vaccines make a world of difference. But I do hope you'll be able to reschedule your trip down under for next year. That's a long time to miss your girl!

    1. It is Jeanie, I would like to say I'm optimistic about going next year, but I said that about this year :-(

  10. Looks like a lovely day out, Polly - AND you won the raffle!

    1. Hello Mike, it's good to hear from you. Yes it was a good day.

  11. Despite your disappointment at not being able to travel and visit your daughter, Polly, it looks like you had an enjoyable outing at the Christmas markets. And, yes, I also have to retype my comment after the first attempt goes away. But, we all persevere and try again.

    1. mmm I don't know what's happening with the comments. Funny thing are happening with the text and images of my posts as well.
