2 December 2021

A Cold Walk

brrr that was a mighty cold wind this morning. At this time of year I have to force myself to go out. If I didn't have Rufus I'm not sure I would go, but we both need exercise and fresh air. We did our default walk, passing horses, over the stream, alongside the field

up to the bonfire that never goes out. From here the walk is very pleasant because hedgerows and trees provide sheilding from the wind, and when the sun is shining it feels almost warm. 

But when we reach the end of these trees back into open field
the wind whips across and almost takes my breath away.
I'm glad I make the effort though because I do feel better for going out,
and although Rufus' default mode is couch potato he loves to have a run around.

∼ Be warm and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. In the colder weather I also have to push myself to go for my daily walk rather than fester at home. The bonfire that never goes out? What's all that about?

    I love all the little birds(?) that stream off my arrow when I'm moving around your page.

    1. The bonfire, in the 11 years we have been walking that route I have seen flames, smoke or just smoldering, through rain, wind and snow. I like to think it's some kind of phenomenon, but maybe the farmer re-lights regularly! I'm glad you like the little birds, I do too. They are meant to be snow, another reader thought it was rain, but I prefer your description.

  2. People will make an effort for their dogs that they will just not make for themselves, it's true!

  3. I think by the time I got to the end of the trees, I would have turned around and walked back! Well done, Polly!

  4. The cold in the late autumn wind is bone chilling alright.

    1. Thankfully I have some good warm clothing :-)

  5. Cool days are nice though - we're still in shorts weather here.

    1. Oh shorts weather, it's just a distant memory now!

  6. It’s that brutal wind that is so unpleasant!
