14 November 2021

Sunday Afternoon

I had walked Rufus in the morning, visited a nearby dollshouse shop and suddenly felt tired. Switched on the TV and settled down to watch one of my top 10 favourite films - "The Man Who Would Be King" starring the wonderful Sean Connery and Michael Caine. James Bond joins Zulu Man for an adventure. There is action, mysterious places, avalanches, battles and humour.

Based on a short story by Rudyard Kipling, set in 1888, the story follows the exploits of friends Peachy Carnehan (Michael Caine) and Danny Dravot (Sean Connery), English military officers stationed in India. 
The friends are tired of life as soldiers and they find themselves at a loss when their services are no longer required in Asia. Not wanting to return to England the pair begin their adventure. After a treacherous journey they arrive in the isolated far away Kingdom of Kafiristan. Their plan is to become kings, gain the trust of the people then leave months later with riches beyond their wildest dreams.
The conquest begins in earnest and is successful. They train a village to defend themselves from constant siege by marauding nearby invaders. Danny gets an arrow in his chest which is cushioned by some sort of belt under his tunic, which the villagers don't see, they just see Danny surviving a lethal injury and declare him a god.
Life is good for a while, the pair are ultimately embraced by the people and revered as rulers. But being a deity goes to Danny's head. He decides he wants to stay and rule the kingdom and needs an heir. He chooses the beautiful Roxanne played by Shakira Caine (Michael Caine's wife), to be his wife.
Legend has it that if a mortal joins with a god the mortal will be engulfed in fire. Danny places a crown on Roxanne's head and reassures her that she will not self combust. As Danny attempts to kiss her she bites his cheek - and he bleeds. Gods don't bleed. I won't say anymore in case you want to watch it. It is a glorious story.

To quote the pair's favourite saying "By God’s holy trousers, what an adventure!"

∼ Be safe and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. Haha.. this sounds like a hoot.

  2. I haven't seen that film in such a long time. It's a wonderful one.

    1. It's a while since I last watched it, but I enjoy it each time, even though I know what's going to happen.

  3. I've never seen this - guess I'll have to in order to see what happens!
