10 November 2021


All my clubs are well under way again - the WI, bowls, craft, art, the village book club, and a new one called friends united. My original book club that I have been going to for about seven years hasn't started yet. We were going to meet last Thursday but two ladies have elderly frail mothers and didn't want to risk it. Our host asked if we would do a covid test beforehand, I had requested another kit but it didn't arrive in time for me to do a test, also my daughter and son-in-law have had very bad chest infections with horrible coughs so I didn't want to risk spreading those germs. A few others weren't confident and eventually it was cancelled. We're hoping next month will be better.

I can walk into my walk in wardrobe now, the charity shop bags have gone and the quilts for Project Linus have been collected. Meanwhile I've been sorting out more clothes, my word, some of which I've had for over 15 years!!! Some have sold on Ebay, the rest are in more bags ready to go to more charity shops. Shoes are next!

I've often seen Canada geese flying over the fields, but never seen them resting like this. 

Oh dear, I don't like this cold, damp weather. Some mornings are glorious, sunny and mild,
but at this time of year the ground doesn't really get warm so the damp lingers. 

Hibernation time for me now. I haven't started making quilts yet, Most of  my time is spent struggling with working on my Lake View Dolls House.

The village book club met yesterday, there were only four of us but we had a lovely evening discussing the book, talking about all manner of things and enjoying the delicious mulled cider and mince pies that our lovely host provided.
That was the second mince pie this year so far, I will be doing my mince pie survey soon 😋 

I'm fully vaccinated now, I had a flu jab a couple of weeks ago and the covid booster this afternoon. My arm has just started to ache, other than that I feel fine.

∼ Be safe and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. Replies
    1. Me too, I will be buying some tomorrow for my survey!

  2. I suppose we'll all get back to a more normal life one day. I have my booster jab tomorrow which ends the perforation project for a few months I hope! If I hear on the news of a shortage of mince pies in the shops I know who to blame.

    1. ha, ha, yes I know John, I do buy quite a lot!

  3. Things haven’t started up here yet. It would be great to have book club again.

    1. I hope things start for you soon Marie, it is nice to meet up with friends again.

  4. No mince pies for us as yet. We're still hooked on hot cross buns.

    I have a very warm M&S coat that's well over 20 years old, probably 25.

    Will the Lake View Dolls House include a lake?

    1. Well now that's an interesting question Nick. I'm toying with the idea of glueing images of a lake on the inside walls with false window frames around them - miniaturists license :-)

  5. That's what I was about to suggest!

  6. Like yourself, Polly, we have had all of those shots. Good to read that many of your favorite groups are resuming again. Many at the local senior center here never have and perhaps not for awhile.

    1. Hello Beatrice. It is good to meet up at our clubs again. I hope yours will start again one day soon.

  7. I'm glad things are getting back to normal but.... but.... I do miss the quiet of lockdown. Now it seems like we must participate and sometimes I just don't want to!

    1. I know exactly what you mean Jeanie. I didn't go to one of my club meetings today because I just wanted to stay in!
