Back in August my friend M and I visited Rye, a pretty town on the East Sussex coast
Rye has witnessed it all: invasions, smuggling, flooding, ghosts, shipwrecks and a few more invasions. Situated on the south coast of England, and where the English Channel is at its narrowest, Rye was often the first port of call for invaders approaching from north west Europe. The French regularly attacked or raided Rye, and occasionally the Spanish did. Some attacks were devastating. In 1377, a French assault resulted in the complete desolation of the town by fire. The bells from St Mary’s Church were also stolen, but the men of Rye and the neighbouring settlement of Winchelsea sought revenge and set sail for France. The retaliation was fruitful as they returned with the bells and an assortment of other goods that had been stolen on a previous French attack!25 November 2020
19 November 2020
A Good Read
After Anna by Alex Lake
Five year old Anna disappears from outside her school, she has vanished, no one saw anything, the police are at a loss, her parents are beyond grief - their daughter is lost, perhaps dead, perhaps enslaved. One week after she was abducted, Anna returns home. She has no memory of where she has been, and this, for her mother, is just the beginning of the nightmare.
The kidnapping takes up quite a bit of the beginning of the story. It’s written in the third person and we learn that Anna is going to be returned home unharmed. But why take her in the first place?
On the day of Anna’s disappearance her mother Julia was running late at work, her phone had no charge. But why did the teachers at the fee paying school just let her wander off without checking that her mother was there to collect her? Julia is roasted by the press for being a bad mother. At the beginning of the story she seemed cold, referring to the breakdown of her marriage in an almost “oh well that’s that” matter of fact way. But as the story progressed we saw a warm person and a strong, loving mother.
In theory a missing child should unite parents but Julia’s weak husband offers no support and his domineering mother, Edna, never misses an opportunity to interfere and undermine Julia.
As Anna started to remember small details I picked up on one of them and started to figure it out.
It is an excellent chilling psychological thriller, well written with well crafted complex characters, a unique plot and plenty of suspense. My only criticism is I thought a small part of the ending was ridiculous.
16 November 2020
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
Unprecedented events have made life difficult, stressful and frustrating. You might find it hard to relax, but with the sun in Scorpio and your twelfth house of rest and healing it's time to slow down and take care of yourself. Boost your immune system and treat yourself to some serious pampering.
14 November 2020

~ Be warm and well ~
Polly x
10 November 2020
6 November 2020
A Good Read
End of Watch by Stephen King the last of the Bill Hodges trilogy.
Bill Hodges is still running Finders Keepers agency with partner Holly Gibney. One day his old cop partner and friend Pete Huntley asks him to take a look at a crime scene knowing that Bill and Holly often have a ‘nose’ for something that isn’t immediately obvious. Hodges is intrigued by the letter Z written with a marker at the scene.
When similar cases occur Hodges is stunned to discover that evidence points to Brady Hartsfield, the evil psychopathic ‘Mercedes killer’. But it can’t be, Hartsfield is confined to a hospital bed in an unresponsive state after Holly knocked him out to prevent him blowing up a stadium and killing hundreds of teenagers. But Hartsfield has new lethal powers, and still full of hatred he is planning revenge, not just on Hodges and his friends, but on the entire city.
Another excellent page turner from Stephen King.
I will miss Hodges and Holly.