18 July 2020

Leo July 22nd - August 22nd

Miss Claire Voyant's horoscope for Leo

Sharing your Leo birthday with, among a few million others, Barack Obama, Roger Federer, Sandra Bullock, Madonna and J. K. Rowling

The personality
With a fierce streak of independence and confidence Leos are brave, enthusiastic, passionate and generous. Many have a lust for life and a warm spirit that lifts the moods of those around them. They are hard workers and like the good things in life, they do it big, and best, there is no second fiddle for Leo, and there is no justifiable obstacle as to why they shouldn’t have exactly what they want, when they want it. This is great if you’re riding the wave with them, but not so good if you’re the one trying to enforce some order or boundaries.

The downside (and there are many), I speak from experience - I was married to one. 
They are egomaniacs leaders, born ready, they just step up, it doesn't even occur to a Leo that someone else might be better placed to lead.
They LOVE giving advice, solicited or not. It's best to wait for the lecture advice to end, then do your own thing.
They can be:
Egoistic... a Leo's pride is best left unchallenged
And they will NEVER admit to even the slightest possibility that they might be wrong.
After that character assassination I must add that my ex is generous, has a KIND heart, will never betray a confidence, and won't think twice about helping someone, anyone in need.

Leo's prediction
July may have been slow to start for Leos, but with motivated Mars powering through Aries and your metaphysical ninth house, you could be inspired to seek wider horizons and to stretch far beyond your comfort zone. A business venture, travel (obeying safety restrictions) or an educational project could provide opportunities for you to roar onwards and upwards.

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. My niece is a Leo, and she has very much the personality you describe.

    But what, pray, is a metaphysical ninth house?

    1. No idea Nick, I think it's something to do with representing engagement with spiritual life, or a practice or custom.

  2. Oh yes, I've known many Leos in my day!

  3. I'm a Leo. I hope I have more of the good than the bad!

    1. I'm sure you have Jeanie, I think you are strong, kind, passionate and generous :-)
