25 June 2020

Another Nice Walk

This is another walk that I like and would like to share with you. So if you've got your walking shoes on and some sun cream lets go. The route starts the same as the previous one, onto the field

this wheat is turning already, this was taken a couple of days ago, it's golden now

past the horses and the badger sett

through two fields and bluebell wood
The grass in that field has been harvested now

 when we walked there a couple of days ago there was a host of tiny baby butterflies
 coming out of the hedgerow and flitting around the freshly mown grass.
I couldn't get a good look at them but I think they were Red Admirals.

out of bluebell wood, but instead of turning right at the end of this field
we are going to turn left and head for where that arrow is

It leads to a small lake

 and a nice shady walk

complete with a couple of benches 

to sit and watch the ducks, or just sit.

over a meandering stream

and up to the boats. 

You can keep going to do a circuit route but it's mostly out in the open,
which I don't like when it's hot, but also because there is an awkward stile
and some overgrown fields, so I  turn around and go back.

Hope you have enjoyed the walk

∼ Be safe and well 
Polly x


  1. What a lovely part of the world. I have also been taking photos on my walks to post about in the future.

  2. We've definitely appreciated the shade for our walks the last couple of days. Looks idyllic.

  3. Love that countryside. Among the trees is best on a sunny hot day for sure.

    1. I love hot weather, but some days last week were too hot for walking.

  4. Looks like a great walk. Covers a fair distance too, by the look of it.

    1. It is a lovely walk, it's probably about 2 miles all round.

  5. Another great walk, I enjoyed the virtual tour along with you. So nice to see the trees and the obvious shade they provide.

    1. Shade was glorious last week, this week is much cooler.

  6. What a lovely walk. All the trees, the greenery, the ducks, the water, it all looks so peaceful. And even more special that you have your dog companion to go along with you. ; )


  7. Thanks for taking us along on your walk. It’s been awhile since I have been out on one through as lovely an area as the one you have taken us through. The bench in the shade looked like a restful place.

    1. The bench is lovely, it's tempting to sit too long though!

  8. How nice, Polly, and so refreshing. Thanks for taking us along!

  9. I would love to be walking with you here. I've been staying very close to my New York City home and I'd so enjoy a change of location. My original plans for this summer included a trip to London and a cruise around the British Isles. Hoping for 2021.

    1. Hello Buttercup (love your name). Thank you for visiting and commenting. I'm sorry your plans were thwarted by that horrible virus, I hope you manage to get here next year.
