15 June 2020

Cancer June 21 - July 22

Miss Claire Voyant's horoscope for Cancer

Sharing your Cancer birthday with, among others, Tom Hanks, Priyanka Chopra, the 14th Dalai Lama, Nikola Tesla and Meryl Streep.

The personality
The Crab can be secretive and guarded, but that hard shell protects the sensitivity beneath. Cancerians are loyal, loving and extremely protective of themselves and others. They’re ruled by the Moon, and their moods wax and wane just as dramatically. The Crab can be a bit controlling if they feel insecure. They have big hearts and love hard. 

Your Prediction
A Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius might leave you emotionally frustrated about the limitations you currently have in life and love. Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer on June 18 and there will be a need to reboot your connections to family. The rare mashup of intrepid Mars and soulful Neptune in your travel zone may have you chomping at the bit, but there are still ways to widen your horizons, have an adventure and explore the greater world! Of course, you need to observe the rules, but within those parameters, there’s plenty you can do! Take an isolated hike or have a socially distanced picnic with a handful of cherry-picked pals. Lastly, Mars enters his home sign of Aries on June 27, and you'll finally feel like you can get somewhere. Your mojo will return!

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. I don't know any Geminis. My niece was born just a day later on July 23. She's certainly not emotionally frustrated as she got married just a few months ago!

    1. I hope she will enjoy many years of happily wedded bliss.

  2. I've always been fascinated by astrology!

    1. I'm sceptical but I think some people do have certain instincts. The horoscopes are meant to be a bit light hearted :-)

  3. I know a Cancer this describes perfectly!

    1. Most people I know fit their zodiac description.

  4. My husband is a cancer who celebrates his birthday in mid-July. It was interesting to read this description and that he shares his sign with Tom Hanks and Nikolai Tesla among other famous folks.

  5. I'll have to share this with Rick. He's a Cancer!

  6. Mum is a cancer and I'm going to share this post with her. She'll love it.
