13 June 2020


After weeks of feeling positive and keeping busy I have run into a brick wall of inertia. I'm feeling a little fed up.

I shouldn't moan because I am extremely grateful for everything I have.

I've stopped using facebook because I am fed up with the point scoring, jumping on the bandwagon  political BS, fake news, and all those motivational verses and posters. A friend who no longer lives in the UK constantly criticises us and is always angry. It was getting me down.

There have been two reports in the village of dogs being bitten by adders. They have been seen near a brook that we regularly cross.

We had a death in the village a few weeks ago, the captain of my bowls club. He was having treatment at his surgery for a leg ulcer, then got a bladder infection, he tested neg. for covid the first time he was admitted to hospital and was responding to treatment but then he took a turn for the worse and tested pos. the second time he had to go in. It was a shock, and very sad, he will be sorely missed.

I read recently that the National Domestic Abuse helpline has seen a 49% increase in calls and online requests for help since the lockdown started. I feel for the unreported victims of the virus, those in lockdown who don't have access to a garden or a park, those suffering from difficult syndromes, depression, those stuck with a partner or family they hate, or trapped in an abusive relationship, those who have lost their jobs, struggling to pay their bills, those living with a narcissist. And the businesses that will not open their doors again. Zoo's will struggle. It's not all happy zoom videos that we see on the adverts. We may all be in this together, but we're not all in the same boat.

ok, rant over, to finish on a lighter note. Our village newsletter arrived the other day. The  Brownie group had a zoom meeting which sounded a lot of fun. they had a scavenger hunt, which took the form of finding items from around their houses. They were also asked to show something they've played with in the garden, items included a frisbee, bubbles, a pogo stick, a cat, a dog and a guinea pig!

I'm making good progress with my dolls house work. I hope the lounge room will be finished soon.

I had a McDonalds burger last week!! It was GOOD. When they first opened for drive through the queue was ridiculous, but when lovely daughter drove round there wasn't a queue..

Shops are starting to open up, we need to get the economy going again.

Oh and my HAIRDRESSER will be visiting me on the 8th July - yeah

The weather is glorious again, and the coming week looks good.

Thank you for reading and putting up with my rantings. I will soon be back to my normal calm level headed self!

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. I think many of us have had a rant to two through this isolation. I always find it good to express it.

    1. It does make us feel better now and again :-)

  2. Dear Polly - you are not alone, I suspect that the way you are feeling is something circulating around many of us. This whole period of lockdown has been strange - first we went into a quiet world more akin to a time that I remember in my childhood, but now there is so much anger around - large groups causing mayhem, defacing statues, and making life difficult for the police. I understand the initial protesting on behalf of Black Lives Matter, but now it is all getting out of hand. We can't rewrite history.

    1. Hello Rosemary, I agree, there are many wrongs throughout history that we cannot change. A lot of those protesters were rent-a-mob thugs.

  3. I went through a number of days right after the rioting in our city where I felt really down. It’s been 3 straight months of gloom. It’s no wonder our mental health is suffering. Even the high school graduation parade in town today made me sad. Those students deserve a real graduation.

    1. I do feel for school students, they've missed out on too much, and I think some parents are struggling with home schooling.

  4. My butt is dragging too. I need to go do some dishes right now, but have been putting it off all afternoon.

    1. Dishes don't count Debra, they can wait!!

  5. Rant away. Sometimes FB is not the place to be. I will stop now and then, too. I worry about your dogs. Please be careful near the spot where the adders are. We are at the lake now and that's a nice change of scenery. I won't leave my area -- the cottage and my walking area -- and will always have my mask. Just here for a few days now but I plan to spend more time here this summer. I'm usually a hermit in the summer anyway. I'm sorry about the death of your friend. I'm sure it came as a shock. Please take care and be gentle with you and we'll look forward to the doll house!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I am being very vigilant when out with the dogs. I hope you are/or have enjoyed your stay at the lake. You take care too, I know you have been very anxious, you deserve a change of scenery xx

  6. It's okay to rant. Every day there is something more bizarre happening in this world. How wonderful your hairdresser will again visit you and give you a new hairdo. You know, I have never had a McDonalds burger....something I have managed to avoid all these years. =)

    1. Years ago when my girls were teenagers we used to have an after school trip to a shopping centre about once a month, after shopping we went to McD's. They still talk about those times now :-)

  7. Feel free to rant and get it off your chest. I must admit to the odd rant or two in the past week myself. I do hope you share some photos of your work on the dolls house.

    1. Thank you Lorraine. There will be loads of photos!

  8. Women stuck in abusive relationships have it really hard. As do those living in small flats with children without a garden. We are really fortunate.
    I'm still on Facebook; it's Twitter that tends to get me down. Mainly because of details of what's happening rather than people being mean.
    I have just bought three jigsaws on ebay! Must stop.
    Sorry to hear about the death in your community. Sad times.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about the death of someone you knew in the village. That's so sad. The world is an unsettling place right now, and it's a scary time. But I pray and pray, and that's really where I get my peace.

    Stay safe and well, Polly.

