10 June 2020

An Orchid & Jigsaws

Last December my friend M and I visited our favourite garden centre to browse the lots of lovely things in their shop, have lunch and stock up on some gifts. A few orchids were half price. I've never had any luck with orchids but at only £6 I thought "What Have I got to lose".
I looked up how to care for it and followed the instructions exactly. It flowered for weeks, then one by one they fell off. I pruned it just above what looked like a bud nodule, just where that short light brown piece of stem is.

The nodule started to grow, then in early May six buds appeared.

And then a few weeks later a bud opened

Aren't they exquisite
I think this is one of the more common variety, nevertheless it's pretty.

One by one more buds opened

and now I have another six pretty blooms.

These jigsaws have been lounging in a cupboard for a few years. 

I had a couple more, the top one I did ages ago then took it back to the charity shop.
After much deliberation, and much as I like a challenge I decided that I would never do the bottom one
Schwerin Castle, Germany, 3000 pieces! It went back to the charity shop. 

 The Artist's House at Argenteuil
This is a really nice one, I've done it a couple of times.
I keep it because I like it and it was a gift from a lovely friend.

The Wedding Meal.
A charity shop buy,  I did it last weekend. 

When I opened the box the previous owner had sorted the outside pieces into the small bag and the others into the larger bag. 
another nice one, and another keeper

The one on the left was a nice one to do.
The one on the right is the next one I'm going to do. 
Today is jigsaw weather - rain :-(

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. Congrats on coaxing new buds out of your orchid! I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles -- well, maybe the 500 one in a pinch, but never the 3,000 one!

    1. I was being over ambitious buying the 3,000 piece one! I think 1,500 will be my limit.

  2. I have an orchid just like that! So pretty and has lasted several years. It keeps re-blooming.

  3. Oh Polly, these are so pretty. Well done on your orchid tending!

    And I love the puzzles. I just bought my first in years and will take it to the lake to start this weekend. If all goes well, I might just get another!

    1. ooh Jeanie, that's exciting, going to the lake. I hope you have a wonderful time :-)

  4. Ohhh Polly, wat een Prachtige orchideen heb je , de kleur is ook
    fantastisch, je hebt de plat dus prima gesnoeid en op deze manier
    kun je jaar na jaar genieten van prachtige bloemen.
    Heerlijk al die dozen met puzzels, en in deze tijden dat je veel
    meer thuis bent is het een mooie hobby waar je uren veel plezier
    van kan hebben.

    lieve groet,

  5. I love both orchids and puzzles. I have 2 orchids with buds right now. I hope the buds don't fall off as they've done in the past :(

    We just finished a Niagara Falls puzzle and have moved on to a picnic scene. My adult daughter who lives with us works on them with me for a half hour everyday. 2000 pieces is our biggest.

    1. The next one I'm going to do is 1,500 pieces, I think that will be my limit! I hope your orchid will bloom.

  6. I've had varying success with orchids too. Some thrive while others rapidly die. You've obviously had some luck with the latest specimen.

    I'm not a jigsaw fan, but my dad did them for some years while he was recovering from a stroke. A 3000 piece jigsaw sounds pretty daunting!

    1. I'm surprised it has been so successful considering my past failures!

  7. I haven't tackled a puzzle for decades. They are not only fun to do but are good way to exercise your brain, and I've enjoyed seeing the results of ones you've completed, Polly!
    I never have any lasting success with orchids so I've given them up, but when I see how healthy and pretty yours is, I must admit to being tempted to try orchids once again.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I love doing them and once I get started I can't stop! Good luck if you have a go with an orchid :-)

  8. A beautiful Orchid, and such a vibrant color. Jigsaw Puzzles are so entertaining, and they come in handy right now during this stay-at-home time. I haven't put a jigsaw puzzle together in a long time. : )

