31 May 2020

A Nice Walk

Yesterday morning we met sweet little Westies Charlie and James.
We haven't walked with them since before lockdown
and also because their mum gets up earlier than me!!

Living where we do we have a number of lovely walks to choose from.
Don your walking shoes, apply some sun cream and join me on one of them.
From my house, up the drive, round the corner and onto the fields.

These have just appeared growing in the hedgerow. I think it's salsify.

past the horses

up to the Badger sett. There are three now. The first and largest one is where Rufus is, another one to the left of the picture and the third, smaller one just above Rufus' head.

Across the bridge and over the stile 

into the grass field. The grass is harvested once or twice a year, I think it's used for winter feed.
It smells so nice when cut.
I did the video for the pleasure of enjoying the silence and the birds.

Across the field and through the open gate which was always closed when horses were in the field.

you can see how long it is since the horses were there. We used to climb over the stile, and the dogs crept under that lower beam of wood to the right of the stile. It's all grown over with nettles now.

into the next field that usually has wheat growing in it, but this year it also has grass.

A pit stop for a drink. Buster likes this one, but Rufus doesn't often go in it.

onwards to bluebell wood

no bluebells now. It's a cool oasis

Out of bluebell wood heading towards  

the bonfire that never goes out, and it's not in lock down!

the farmer who owns this land has a sense of humour. Two  years ago (was it really two,
I thought it was only last year!) these teddies were lounging around for weeks.

 up to the farm

 turn right and head back to the field with the open gate.
Through the first grass field and back to the bridge and stile.

This is where Rufus likes to go in for a drink and a cool down when the weather is hot. 
We pass it on the way out but he never goes in then, only on the way back.
Buster never goes in this one, there is a network of tangled tree roots at the edge of the water,
I think they spook him.

Back along the field, past the badger sett and the horses and back home.

I hope you have enjoyed the walk.

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. Looks like a great walk. I've never seen a badger sett, they must be quite rare.

    I wonder who invented the stile. What would we do without them?

    1. I think these three are connected and go under where we walk. A few years ago when I felt more confident I went down the bank on the other side and there are more holes. I think they have front and back doors! I've never thought about stiles, they've been around a very long time, probably from Norman times. Walks would be difficult without them.

  2. Similar in many ways to the walks I have around here. We are so lucky to live out in the countryside; I've no idea how I'd survive these weeks if I lived in town.

    1. We are lucky John, I wouldn't be coping very well if I lived in a flat.

  3. In watching the videos, it seems like you also had a somewhat breezy day which is very welcome when one is out walking. Thanks for taking me along, Polly, and now I feel so exercised that I may need a nap!

    1. I hope you enjoyed your nap Beatrice :-)

  4. You took us on a wonderful walk, great to have a wander.

  5. Looks like you're getting glorious summer weather!

    1. We have Debra, it's all changed now though, 10 deg. cooler today! and rain is forecast which we do need.

  6. Such a lovely wander. Thanks for taking me along.

  7. What a beautiful walk you have taken us on, the landscape is spectacular, so lush and green. I am reminded as I write this, that I need to take my afternoon walk.
    Thank you so much for visiting me and for your sweet comment..
    I look forward to visiting you again.

    1. Hello Sue, thank you for visiting. The landscape is changing to arid. Today's temp has been 10 deg. cooler with rain forecast, which is good, my lawn is developing very dry patches.

  8. Love from me Ria...💕🍀💕

  9. Ahhh... What a beautiful place to live and to explore!

    1. We are lucky living in the countryside. There are two other walks that I like, and one longer one that goes through some very pretty areas, but I struggle with that now!

  10. Stunning pictures. I love seeing outside and I love seeing pups. That car, woo. That is cool too.

    1. It is pretty cool, it's still there and probably will be for weeks!

  11. That walk has to be so mellow and beautiful and I bet you see new things every day. I loved the videos. Thank you!

    1. It is Jeanie, but I need to be alert now, adders have been seen in the area in the first photo.

  12. What a nice walk, and so peaceful. Thanks for taking me along. I long for nature, and since the move, I have been wanting to visit even more. Everything is so green - it looks like Summertime in your area.

    I hope you have many good June days ahead.


    1. Thank you Sheri, we have had some glorious weather. Summer will be starting in just over 2 weeks, I hope it will be as good as Spring.

  13. Thanks for the visit and the comment much appreciated. It looks like you have a lovely place to walk. We are obviously both lucky with lots of countryside around us. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend, Diane

  14. Lovely walk! I enjoyed it very much!
