13 December 2015

Two Weeks

Two weeks before Christmas, Isn't it exciting

Wrapping, baking and lots of sighing

Presents bought, fairy lights checked

Time running out, the house to be decked

I love mince pies and every year I do my own mince pie survey, it's really just an excuse to eat loads of them!

Tesco finest all butter with Courvoisier, £2 for 6: Lovely pastry, generous delicious filling 8/10

Co-op luxury mince pies all butter with brandy, £2 for 6: Very nice, crumbly pastry,
tasty generous filling 8/10

Mr Kipling £1 for 6: very tasty 8/10

Tesco 89p for 6: not bad 5/10

The co-op truly delicious mini mince pies £2.50 for 12: These little beauties are gorgeous, 3 topped with chopped pecan nuts and glaze, 3 with a pastry star, and 3 with whisky butter cream 10/10

Aldi crumbly all butter with brandy £1.15 for 6: Very tasty but the pastry is too crumbly, nice filling 7/10

The Co-op Loved by us £1 for 6: Quite nice 6/10

Greggs £2 for 6: Made in store. They are delicious. With a good sturdy shortcrust pastry and 
a generous tasty filling, they taste just like home made 10/10

In a recent survey of mince pies Greggs came out above Fortnum & Mason at £13.95 for a box of 6.
Mind you they are beautifully packaged and would make a lovely present for a mum or a favourite aunt. 


  1. My goodness! The sacrifices you make in the name of research! Mind you, I don't believe a word of it and am determined to undertake a similar survey myself. Just to check, you understand.

    1. I know, I'm a martyr to my research! I understand perfectly John, a man has to do what a man has to do - enjoy :-)

  2. My daughter would love this, she adores mince pies.

    1. I recommend the Co-op mini ones and Greggs.

  3. I love mince pies but I've yet to find any that quite beat the one's my Grandmother used to make. We would prize the tops off them and fill them with clotted cream, lovely! Think I may have to give those Co op ones a go though.

    1. Homemade are the best, my mum made great mince pies and I usually make good ones but I don't always have time, and shop ones are so cheap and also very tasty. I haven't tried any M&S ones yet, I will rectify that soon though! I'm sure you will like the Co-op ones :-)

  4. Hello Polly,
    I can't remember trying a mince pie. We get so many Italian baked goods and cookies from my mother, grandmother and aunts that I rarely try anything new. i'm adding these to the list.
    Big hug

    1. Hello Giac, it's good to hear from you. Many years ago I lived not far from an Italian owned corner shop, they sold the most delicious food - bread, meats, cheeses, cakes and pastries. At Christmas they always gave us something as a gift x

  5. If you need another tester, hopefully for cupcakes, I'm here and ready to help :-)

    1. Hello Amalia, I'm very sorry for not replying, I don't know how I missed your comment x
