28 January 2024

Jigsaw Mania

I completed this jigsaw before Christmas, it was a nice one to do

and this one just after Christmas, which was fun to do

and currently doing this one which is more challenging with the darkness at the top, and the lace at the bottom.


The lunchtime concerts at the Cathedral are almost back to full attendance. I would guess there were upwards of 200 people there on Friday. The concert was a brilliant violinist and her piano accompaniment who was also excellent.


Yesterday was Burns Night in the village hall. It was a great night, haggis, mashed potato, mashed swede, cabbage and gravy, and clootie pudding and custard followed by lots of Cèilidh dancing. Everyone left exhausted and happy.

∼ Be warm and well∼ 
Polly x 


  1. My husband and I love, love loved those concerts. And all those jigsaws well done!

    1. It's taken a long time for the audiences to come back.

  2. Burns Night sounds like a lot of fun. Local Scottish organizations in my area put them on too, but I've never been to one. Seems like a sort of "insider" event.

  3. The concerts sound like a lovely opportunity for people. Well done on the jigsaws.

  4. Love them all. I have a few puzzles waiting to be made but haven't had the time to start one yet.

    1. I go through phases of not doing any, then one after another :-)

  5. Those look like tough ones, especially the first two. I'm in the midst of one that is driving me crazy. It's three quarters done. The last quarter is not fun!

    1. They weren't too difficult because lots of the pieces were easy to identify. Good luck with yours Jeanie.

  6. Good for you on completing the first 2 puzzles and good luck on the current one, Polly. Glad to read that the cathedral concert was so well attended. The village hall gathering sounded like fun.
