12 October 2022

A Very Good Read

The Illumination of Ursula Flight
by Anna-Marie Crowhurst
The date is December 15th, 1664. A dark night is lit up by a comet, something that wasn’t particularly seen as a good omen in those days. While this comet travels along, Ursula Flight is born.
The story follows the progress and pitfalls of the delightful Ursula growing up in 17th century England. The narration flows through Ursula’s thoughts, diary entries, lists and letters, while crucial moments of her life are presented as scenes from plays. Ursula dreams of being a playwright, she writes and stars in plays to entertain her friends. She is born at the end of Cromwell's reign and grows up during the restoration of Charles II. Against the custom of the age her father teaches her to read, instructs her in sciences, languages and mathematics.
Ursula is eager to learn but despite her intelligence and education, and her heart being stolen by the handsome Samuel, life in those days was preordained. Ursula will have to marry, willing or not, and at the tender age of 15 she is married off to Lord Tyringham, 20 years her senior. He's rich, with a lot of property and an influential position. He’s also smelly, bog-eyed and oh so boring. He and his puritan mother and sister do everything to clip Ursula's wings, but she is irrepressible. Her dreams do not diminish and she continues to seek the life she desires no matter what it throws at her. Following a surprise meeting with an actress, Ursula yearns for the theatre and thus begins her quest to become a playwright despite scoundrels, bounders, bad luck and heartbreak.

This is absolutely charming, funny and beautifully crafted. With intriguing characters, and a wonderful sense of setting, from the idyllic countryside of Ursula’s childhood, her isolation during her marriage, to London’s alleys, the court and the playhouses, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

∼ Happy Reading ∼ 

Polly x


  1. Sounds like my kind of book, I love historical settings and all the little details of daily life.

    1. It does have a lot of lovely (and not so lovely) details of life in those days!

  2. This does sound charming -- and new to me! Thanks, Polly!
