21 October 2022

A Good Read

Something In The Water by Catherine Steadman
"Have you ever wondered how long it takes to dig a grave"? Asks Erin in the first line of this suspenseful psychological thriller.
The story begins as Erin digs a grave in a forest in Norfolk. She contemplates the difficulty of digging six feet deep, and reveals that the body is her husband’s. She wants to do a good job so she will not get caught, but also struggles with her moral compass. She does not believe she is a bad person, and then addresses the reader, telling us to decide as she tells us her story from the beginning, going back three months to when it all began.
Erin is a documentary filmmaker on the brink of a professional breakthrough, Mark a handsome investment banker with big plans. Passionately in love, they embark on a dream honeymoon to the tropical island of Bora Bora, where they enjoy the sun, the sand, and each other. One day while scuba diving in the crystal blue sea, they find a black canvas duffle bag floating in the water. They take it on board and stare at it. You know when you're watching a horror film and you shout at the screen “Don’t do it, don't open it” but you know they’re going to, so too do Erin and Mark.
Suddenly the newlyweds must make a choice: to speak out or to protect their secret. After all, if no one else knows, what have they got to lose? From this point on the tension is ramped up and I was on the edge of my seat throughout... so many thoughts... what would I do in this situation? What is the ethical thing to do?
There is also a very fascinating side story. Erin is filming a documentary about prisoners about to be released. Eddie, Holly, and Alexa were all strong, interesting characters. I found each of their stories compelling, definitely adding another layer to this excellent story.

∼ Happy Reading ∼ 

Polly x


  1. Sounds interesting. I have a few Catherine Steadman books on my TBR list but haven't gotten the chance to read any yet.

  2. I like polyphonic novels as you introduced here. Confusion and and advance.

    1. Not so much confusion, but some nice twists.

  3. Sounds like a good read, Polly.
