4 August 2022


No I'm not back in Australia, my darling daughter and her partner are here. They arrived on Tuesday. We've enjoyed retail therapy, a board game, imbibing a few beverages, and lots of chatter and laughs. I love to hear my girls laughing about shared memories. We have things planned, cream tea at the village church on Sunday, a few days out, probably more retail therapy, I'm going to do my cream tea like I did for my friends a few weeks ago, but with Prosecco and Asti instead of tea! And my daughter has a few trips to visit friends planned.


Is anyone else mourning the end of Neighbours? I started watching it years ago but didn't get hooked on it but started again whilst I was visiting my daughter in Australia in March, her partner was a huge fan, we watched it together while my daughter suffered in silence! So having just got back into it, it's finished :-(  I liked having a soap to watch buI don't want to go back to Eastenders, Coronation Street or Emmerdale. I might try Home & Away.

Rufus is blending in well with the countryside!

The wheat is ready for harvesting

I won't have to go far for blackberries this year, we have some good crops in the garden, courtesy of birds. They are too tart for me to eat picked off the branches, but will be fine with some apples and sugar in crumbles or pies. 

I hope this lovely weather lasts for a few more weeks. Rufus is laying out on the cool lawn at the moment.

∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x


  1. Enjoy your time with your daughter and her partner! I agree, substitute Prosecco and Asti for boring old tea!

  2. Enjoy catching up with your Australian visitors! I like prosecco but I also like tea. I have anything up to six cups of tea every day.

    I think Rufus wants to play hide and seek.

    1. The church had cream teas on the lawn yesterday, I had tea which was very nice.

  3. Enjoy this time with your young woman and her partner! Precious time indeed!

    1. It is precious, we are making the most of it.

  4. Those are both pretty pictures you’ve taken. I’m a Prosecco and Asti fan, too. Have fun with your family.

  5. How wonderful that your daughter and partner are now visiting you, Polly. I'm sure it will be a wonderful get together and Asti and Prosecco are great choices.

    1. We are renjoying every moment. They are enjoying London at the moment.
