23 August 2022

All Good Things Come To An End

I'm feeling very sad. Time goes too quickly. My darling Ozzie daughter went home yesterday. As I type this they should have taken off from Changi. We've had a great time and created some happy memories - retail therapy, breakfasts out, outings, lots of chatter, my girls laughing at all my old photos, way toooooo much eating and drinking! playing games

and lots of laughs, particularly when playing Dobble! It's a great game, and my Ozzie daughter was the champion.


My laptop has finally stopped working, it's not even limping along now, it is no more. I'm writing this on a desktop computer until I decide whether to buy another laptop or a Chromebook. My grandson mentioned a Chromebook ages ago when the laptop started to go wrong, and a very nice man in John Lewis recommended one for the sort of things I do. I am liking this desktop though, I like using a mouse.

∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x


  1. I prefer to write my posts on my desktop. Easier with a real keyboard!

    1. I did like my laptop, but I know what you mean about a real keyboard.

  2. I have an IPad but I much prefer my desktop, so easy just to sit and type on a proper keyboard.

  3. I make my post on my iPad…so quick and easy…only not much pictures to use…but it work good to me…..love Ria

  4. Glad you had such a good time with your daughter and that you'll visit each other again soon. I much prefer a desktop over a laptop because you can get a really big screen plus I HATE scrollbars. I too MUST have a mouse! Although, to be fair, you can get a mouse to use with a laptop too.

    1. Hello Debra, I'm hoping they will visit us next year. I might get a mouse with a laptop.

  5. I've never had a laptop as I much prefer using a keyboard and mouse. I'd be interested in your feedback if you buy a chromebook because I gather it's very different from an ordinary laptop.

    1. Hello Nick, I will let you know when I eventually buy one! I don't think Chromebooks were very good when they first came out, but they have improved vastly since then.

  6. I feel the pain of your daughter going.

    1. I'm hoping they will visit again next year.

  7. Definitely a desktop for posts for me..Too bad...

    1. The more I'm using this desktop the more I'm liking it, it's not strictly speaking mine though! but it does belong to a family member :-)

  8. Yes, Polly, good times usually end way too soon, but there's always the next time. I also prefer to post on a desktop PC, although the notebook would be a second choice, but not the tablet.

    1. I wouldn't go for a tablet. I like the portablility of a laptop.
