1 February 2022


More surfing on BBC iPlayer for 'Ghosts', my daughter recommended it.
It's grown up comedy from the 'Horrible Histories' team.
I binge watched all three series, loved it so much I'm watching it again.

Alison and Mike (bottom of the pic) are a cash strapped couple hoping to be able to buy a house. Out of the blue Alison inherits a neglected stately home from a distant relative. The house is haunted by numerous squabbling ghosts from across the ages who died in its grounds.
Ignoring their solicitor's advice to sell the property, Alison and Mike decide to move in and renovate it, with the idea of turning the house into a hotel. The ghosts are not happy with their plans and conspire to get rid of the newcomers. After various failed attempts to scare them, one of the ghosts pushes Alison from an upstairs window, resulting in her  being clinically dead for three minutes. When she awakes two weeks later from an induced coma she discovers that her husband has arranged a huge mortgage, and ...... she can see the ghosts.

This is the image at the end of the introductions. I would love this as a dolls house.

Initially imagining the ghosts to be an after-effect of her accident, Alison eventually accepts the truth and confronts them. Because neither she and Mike (for financial reasons) nor the ghosts (who are stuck there for eternity) can leave, both sides eventually agree that they have no choice but to coexist as best they can. Meanwhile, the house requires a LOT of work, and Alison and Mike devise several schemes to assist their perilous finances. The ghosts actually prove to be quite useful. 

It's very funny, nice, laugh out loud funny, with a great cast.

∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x


  1. There's an American series called "Ghosts" too -- I suspect it's a remake of the British original?

  2. I've heard of this but didn't know much about it. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Friends recommended this show, but unfortunately it’s not available on the streaming services I subscribe to.

  4. Also, there is an American version, but I have heard the original UK one is better, as usual with copycats.

    1. I can certainly recommend the UK one, I hope you can find it one day.

  5. Sounds like a fun series, Polly. British humor is the best, in my opinion. I agree with you about the last photo. That would be an amazing doll house! xx

    1. It is Nancy. I'm thinking how I could make a house like that!!

  6. Replies
    1. I'm hoping series 4 will be out later this year.
