21 February 2022


My art group is in full swing again. Most people are back, it was good to see them and to start painting again. Most of us admitted that despite intentions we didn't do any painting during lockdown. 

I'm not an artist, our talents range from very good to those who, like me, enjoy having a go and get excited when something turns out really well.

I like watching painting programmes, my favourites are "Landscape Artist of The Year" and "Portrait Artist of The Year". Most of them are brilliant, and a few I don't get! Art is subjective.

You know how you read a blog, and then another and another, well the other day I was doing just that and I found myself at the site of an artist who is considered to be one of the great American abstract expressionist painters. Well dear reader I was lost for words. One painting was a grey background with three connecting black lines and a couple of smudges of white. The price tag was £3,589, it was on handmade paper though. Another was what looked like a kind of brick surrounded by black charcoal swirls on a cream background, price tag £4,000. And a third was a white background with a solid black shape with skin tone colour in two diagonal corners with the bottom one looking as if the black paint was running down, price tag £12,560 !!! REALLY.
Perhaps I should put a canvas on the lawn, do a few brick stencils, throw some paint down,  then stand it up and let the paint trickle down! 

∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x


  1. Andy Warhol said that "Art is what you can get away with."

  2. Modern art is a strange mixture of apparent tongue-in-cheek scamming and genuinely talented and original art work. The paintings you refer to sound like the first category. I wonder if he sold them all? And which artist was it?

    1. I would add a dash of snobbery as well. I'm sorry I can't remember the artist's name.

  3. it is indeed laughable. I’ve often thought paintings look like something a 6 year old did.

    1. I think some 6 year olds could do a whole lot better!

  4. That's the problem with going to modern art museums.. you spend half the day thinking I/a child could make that? Or seriously??

    1. Spot on Hena :-) I must admit to having said "seriously" more than once.

  5. Ha! I laughed at this. When my friend Jerry was here we went to the contemporary art museum in East Lansing and there was this painting of a bunny that looked like a third grader (and not a third-grade protege!) did it. We still wonder how it got there and who thought it was a good idea.

    I'm glad your art group is back. I miss creating in the company of others.

    1. I do make more effort when I'm with the group.

  6. I like some abstract work but some of it escapes me too.

  7. Well, "eye of the beholder" and all. I guess being the greatest means you can ask a lot of $$$, though your art is liable it sit in a studio, gallery, or under the bed for a long time.
