30 October 2021


 Happy Hall🎃ween

Halloween wasn't a thing here in the UK when my girls were little. I used to join in with
trick or treat around the village with my grandson, but I don't participate now. 

This year the village theme is Harry Potter. I took a few photos on my walk with Rufus. 

I spotted these crops of tiny fungi, the brown ones at the bottom,
and the even tinier white ones in amongst the greenery at the top

The clue is lines saying "I must not tell lies"

The head of the Malfoy family

The clue is: This character was once described by Hermione "........... is like ....... snow", said Hermione quietly, her gaze absent and distracted. "It's cold and cruel to begin with, but somehow beautiful, and you miss it when it's not there. And if you hold it in your hands close enough and long enough, it changes. It melts"

I don't understand this one, I know the lady who did it so I can
ask her when I see her, but if you get it please let me know.

I haven't been round the whole village, I'm sure there are a lot more.

∼ Be safe and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. I like the snarling pumpkin with the long black hair who I assume is Professor Snape! Clever idea for a theme! The last Halloween costume party I went to years ago had a Harry Potter theme too.

    1. Yes I think it is him. It is a great theme idea.

  2. Our grandkids are beyond excited for this evening. There isn’t a theme here but it is a great idea.

    1. It is exciting for them, dressing up in spooky outfits!

  3. That makes a nice change - when the village get together and do a themed one. Our village was very quiet this year - we seemed to have been under rain for the last two weeks and it could be said the evening wash a bit of a wash out!

    1. The weather was good here. We went out last night and passed a lot of people out trick or treating.

  4. Oh very cool - specially that so many took part!

    1. A lot of people were also taking part to raise money for the church roof restoration project.

  5. Replies
    1. I think everyone really enjoyed the Harry Potter theme.

  6. Definitely a creative collection of pumpkins!

  7. Hello! This is amazing! I will be sure to show my daughter. We love Harry Potter! I am happy to be your newest follower. Have a cozy day!

  8. What fun -- and how very clever! I love the one with the glasses. I hope your Halloween was fun!

    1. I don't celebrate halloween but I did go out for a meal with my grandson, daughter and son-in-law which was very nice.

  9. Love these!

    Such a cool collection of pumpkins, Polly!

    1. There are some lovely families in the village, their children enjoy making them.

  10. My kids were never into Harry Potter, so I’d be no help in figuring out any of it.

    1. My grandson was when he was younger. I only remember a few of the characters.
