29 September 2021

Another Birthday

Yes another year has flown by, another birthday celebrated and instead of bemoaning being another year older I'm celebrating getting this far.
My darling daughter took me for lunch at a fabulous new eating place called Cosy Club.

Beautiful Art Deco

with a feel of Havana

We both had a delicious Cherry Bakewell Cocktail,
 cherry juice and amaretto almond liqueur, Mount Gay rum and a drop of caramel syrup.
It was difficult to decide what to eat, it all sounded delicious. Eventually I chose salmon fishcakes
with hollandaise sauce and a perfectly poached egg, my daughter had a burger in a brioche bun.
We didn't have dessert, opting instead to visit Hotel Chocolat!

These beautiful flowers arrived from my darling Aussie daughter, along with some truffles, and the
following day a bottle of Martini Asti Spumante arrived, she found a supplier in Birmingham to post it.

With a John Lewis voucher from my daughter and a gorgeous rose gold charm
for my Pandora bracelet from my grandson it was a lovely birthday.

∼ Be safe and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. Wow, you made out like a bandit! Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday - it is best to embrace them in the way that you are - they just keep coming anyway. Sounds as if you had a really lovely day filled with lots of lovely treats too.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. I enjoy my birthdays, it's a time to feel special and get spoilt :-)

  3. The cocktail sounds delicious! Belated best wishes!

  4. Happy belated birthday:) I love my daughters :)

  5. Happy Birthday Polly! What a lovely way to kick off a new year! I love the restaurant - any part of it would make such an interesting miniature vignette! The cocktail sounds delicious! Your girls and grandson are so thoughtful! I hope this turns out to be your best and most adventurous year so far!

    1. Thank you Jodi. Yes it would make for a good vignette, I liked the solid wood floors and the turquoise walls.

  6. Happy belated Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

    We went to the Ivy in London recently for my birthday and that building had a really art deco feel to it.

    1. Thank you Joey. I would like to go to the Ivy.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday, Polly! What a glorious treat and spot to dine with your daughter. It looks wonderful.

  8. Belated happy birthday! Glad you had a good day. By the way, does anyone else have a problem commenting here? I start writing but then it leaps away and my writing has disappeared. It usually works second time. It is very odd.

    1. Yes, I get that as well. Not being a techie, I have no idea why it happens.

  9. Oops, I somehow missed your birthday! Sounds like it was a really great day. Nice idea to celebrate getting so far rather than regretting that another year has gone.
