27 September 2020

Birthday, Chocolate And Weight

Pre covid I was doing really well losing weight. 
Half a stone from January to March, then lockdown + frustration + some boredom = binge eating. Weight has been see sawing for months.

but I have been back on track for the last two weeks.
see saw
My darling grandson bought me my favourite chocolate for my birthday yesterday,
a large Lindt teddy bear. I forgot to take a photo before diving into it! 

My desire to lose weight is constantly at odds with my desire to eat chocolate!  😋

Be safe and well ~
Polly x


  1. Belated Birthday wishes. I had lost a stone before lockdown and then put it back on during lockdown so I know how hard it is to resist chocolate.

    1. Thank you Lorraine. I was doing so well not buying chocolate but now it's there in the cupboard!!

  2. All my walking has prevented the Covid weight gain. My trick with chocolate is to limit myself to five dark chocolate covered almonds every day with my afternoon tea.

    1. Well done Bijoux. I tried the limiting thing but it didn't work so I just don't buy it now, except that I still have some birthday chocolate in the cupboard!

  3. No human can resist Lindt chocolate. It's the best!

  4. Happy Birthday! Luckily my weight only varies by a few pounds up and down whatever I eat. I can safely tuck into some Lindt truffles - as long as I don't eat the whole packet!

    1. Thank you Nick. Generally, I think you guys are luckier than we girls in the weight department, I blame hormones!

  5. I've lost 10 during Covid but I'd like to lose more. I'm not a huge chocolate fan, which is good -- but there's plenty of other flavors that get me into trouble!

    1. Oh Jeanie, I wish I didn't like chocolate so much, but if I didn't I would find lots more temptations!

  6. Polly, I have the same issue - a love affair with chocolate. Now that stores sell snack sizes, we always have a couple of bags in the house - peanut butter cups and dark chocolates and we limit ourselves to a couple of pieces as an after dinner treat. Belated birthday wishes to you!
    A question, does anyone else have an issue of starting a comment and then have it disappear, so that i's necessary to start again? It's been happening to me here and not certain why.

    1. Hello Beatrice, I try not to buy it in the first place! Does that only happen here on my site?
