9 May 2020

VE Celebrations

At the beginning of the year, our village hall committee had planned a diary of festivities, one of which was a glorious celebration of VE day. So instead of coming together to celebrate, many villagers celebrated in their front gardens. 

I used my 35mm camera, I haven't used it for a long time and didn't check the lens,
it was in a bit of a state, hence the blurred patches

I made some salmon paste, chicken paste and egg mayo sandwiches, I bought the scones, 
and made a Betty Crocker vanilla sponge cake, mmm delicious.
Complete with Absolute radio's all day 40's music. It was a lovely day.

The weather was glorious, I was going to wear a dress
but then decided to wear my red and white stripe top with navy trousers - 
patriotic red, white and blue :-) and to top it off I wore a nice red lipstick.

The church was decorated, along with many houses around the village.
It was lovely to walk around talking to people at a distance,
everyone was so positive and having a good time. 

And finally the Queen's 75th anniversary speech. Her Majesty's speeches are always succinct and sincere. She knows her people and  she speaks from the heart. She is fantastic, I love her.

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. Wat een ontzettend leuk initiatief hebben jullie genomen,
    op deze manier werd het toch ondanks de moeilijke tijden waarin
    we nu leven een feestelijk geheel.
    En wat veel heerlijkheden had je gemaakt, krijg er gewoon trek van
    als ik alles bekijk op de foto's, zo sfeervol ook.
    En jullie troffen heerlijk zonnig weer, dat was dus genieten.

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Thank you Josephine. The weather was glorious and I do like a delicious cream tea :-)

  2. Sounds like fun. The tea looked very tasty, particularly the sponge.

    1. Thank you Lorraine. Once upon a time I used to make all my own cakes, but the Betty Crocker cake mixes are so easy to prepare and taste so delicious.

  3. It looks like your VE Day celebrations involved some serious food consumption! But what a sad irony that the country that won a war is now witnessing the government's continuing incompetence in controlling the virus epidemic. Is this shambles what we won the war for?

    1. I do like preparing food for a bit of a do. Yes it is very sad, I wonder how Churchill would have handled it?

  4. This was certainly a different celebration than years before, Polly. That said, your table setting was lovely with all the wonderful looking treats on it. And the weather also looked like it cooperated with the festivities. Kudos to you and your neighbors for making the best of the current situation and celebrating despite it.

    1. Thank you Beatrice, I do love a cream tea :-) We couldn't have done it outside without the glorious weather, and being outside made it feel more of a village event with people being able to wave and talk to each other.
