18 December 2019

Christmas or Xmas

Do you say Christmas or Xmas? My mother hated the abbreviation to Xmas and so do I. My mother's reason for doing so was a deeply religious one but I think my dislike of it was conditioning from her.

The word “Christmas” originated in the 14th century from the Old English word “Cristes maesse” or “Christ’s mass”, written to form one word. It was derived from the Greek word “Christos” (Christ) and the Latin word “missa” (mass).

The word “Xmas,” comes from the letter “X” being the Greek letter “chi,” the first letter in the Greek word for “Christ,” and “maesse” from the Old English word for “mass.” It has been in use for hundreds of years written as “Xpes maesse.” evolving into “Xmas” during the middle of the 18th century. Many Christians consider the use of Xmas blasphemous because it removes “Christ” from the word.

Xmas is more associated with the commercialisation of the holiday, with businesses and advertisers using it because it is more compact, brief, and concise. 

Whichever one you use I hope your festive season is happy.

Best Wishes


  1. My mother also would not allow you to write Xmas, her reasoning being that X was what you wrote when you didn't know who it was - Mr X and so on. I'm rather intrigued by this Happy Winter Holiday that has crept in recently - surely "holiday" comes from Holy Day, so just which Holy Day are they referring to if not Christmas? Happy Noel and Yuletide to everyone!

    1. I like Noel and Yuletide but still prefer Merry Christmas.

  2. I'm quite happy with either word. I often use Xmas when I'm stuck for space on a card or label or whatever. I find an Xmas cake is just as delicious as a Christmas cake! The relentless commercialisation of Christmas and the encouragement to buy buy buy disturbs me much more than whatever word we use.

    1. You're right Nick, a rose by any other name, but it's amazing how years of conditioning stay with me!

  3. Give me Christmas every time - nothing to do with the religious context or what my mother thought, although like yours, she did not like it.

    1. I was conditioned by my mother for years, and it stayed with me!

  4. Merry x mas .....love Ria 🎄❤️🎄

    1. Many thanks Ria, Merry Christmas to you too :-) xx I don't know how to insert characters!

  5. Some of us are just so lazy we can't be bothered to write "C-h-r-i-s-t-m" :)

  6. I'm with you -- I always write Christmas. I learned the thing about the Xing out of Christ long before I learned about chi. Either way doesn't matter -- I like Christmas. Just has a better sound!

    1. Yes Jeanie, it does have a better sound :-) x
