7 June 2018

The Garden, The Dolls House, Decorating ... et al

Oh dear so many things I want to do but not enough time, so I see-saw between them.
With lovely hot weather interspersed with rain the lawns grow at an alarming rate so they have to be mowed.

Thankfully there's not a lot of weeding to do. I'm a "Let it grow" gardener. I would like to be a planner and architect but it just doesn't happen. The borders are full of blooms that just appear! The David Austen roses are doing well, they look and smell divine.

Isn't this just perfection

I like the shady canopy that the cherry tree creates at the bottom of the garden, but it's getting too big, it's going to be pruned in the autumn. There is a Forsythia and Ribes, and a few other nice shrubs underneath it that are getting swamped.

We are making good use of the gazebo. That's my breakfast on the table :-)

My new bistro set

and Buster laying on the hot patio!!

The old butler sink has been put to good use

Much as I love being in the garden I also enjoy working on my dolls house projects, like turning this plain wooden chest of drawers into something a bit special. 
More on that as soon as I have finished the dolls house bathroom!

I have taken up painting again, if I want to improve I need to practice, practice, practice

At our last WI meeting we planted baskets. The weather was glorious

and Jane was adorable

And then there is the decorating of the dining room (real life) that I started in April! yes April. 

But you see my dilemma - all of the above plus reading. This week my goal is to finish the dining room and finish my current book :-)

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. I love your garden area. Reading usually gets in the way of many things, for me!

    1. Hi Michelle, I spent the morning painting then sat in the shade reading, it was so warm and quiet I fell asleep!

  2. Oh, Polly! I love the garden and the string of lights must be magical at night. Everything looks fresh and alive! Spring is my favourite season. Happy decorating ... what are you reading? xo

    1. Thank you Sue. I'm so pleased with those lights, they look so pretty at night time. I'm reading Mr Mercedes by Stephen King, very good :-)

  3. Such a beautiful haven for sitting and reading, you have a stunning garden.

    1. Thank you mama, it is a lovely quiet calm place.

  4. You sound like me:)A lot we enjoy doing.. Lots of pretty going on here Polly!!

    1. Hello Nana, I know you have lots of prettiness in your life. I do like pretty things :-)

  5. Your garden is lovely, Polly. Oh, I think your painting of the pot of lavender is beautiful. I would imagine your garden gives you so much inspiration to paint and create.

    1. Thank you Kim. I found the lavender pot on a Youtube tutorial :-)

  6. I like your garden Polly!..wowwww Nice flags...lovely summer...love Ria x 💜

    1. Thank you Ria. I bought that bunting a couple of years ago, put it in a cupboard and forgot about it, then found it whilst looking for something else!

  7. I looooove your garden Polly, quintessential English 💙 David Austin roses are the best, if only this blog post came with the perfume 😊 Enjoy your painting, and make time for a cuppa and a few chapters of the book you're reading at the moment.. bliss ✨

    1. Hello Grace, I've always been a fan of the English cottage garden. I spent time this afternoon sitting in the shade reading, and napping!:-)

  8. A lovely garden. That lawn looks pretty big though, must take a fair bit of mowing! The roses are wonderful. One of our rose bushes is just going crazy, I've lost count of all the blooms it's producing.

    1. Thank you Nick. It doesn't take too long once I get going, moving the table and chairs is the hard part!

  9. Your garden looks lovely and so pleased that your David Austen roses are doing well...
    I'm sure I can smell them, just wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  10. Oh, that rose is to die for. I can only imagine it's magnificent fragrance! And I love your bistro set. It's quite perfect!

    I'm so glad you are painting again. It's a wonderful painting and I look forward to seeing many more!

    1. Hello Jeanie, yes it is a stunningly beautiful rose. I'm going back to the art club in the village tomorrow. Some of the members are very talented artists but I'm not going to let myself get daunted by how good they are and how amateur I am, I'm just going to do my best and enjoy the company :-) x

  11. Oh, Polly, I love your garden! It's so charming and inviting. I think I'd spend all my time languishing under the gazebo, soaking up all the beautiful views. The David Austen rose is, indeed, stunning. The colored light bulbs are a delightful addition. Do they light up? Just curious, but whether they do or not I think it's a brilliant (no pun intended) idea. I had a little bistro set in the same style as yours in our previous home. Yours is a lovely shade of blue. Buster has the right idea -- stretch out for a nap. Enjoy your beautiful garden! Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you Nancy, I do try to spend as much time as possible languishing, in-between catching up with things to do! I love hot weather but not direct sun, so it's perfect. The lights are solar and very pretty at night time, the wire inside them is sort of crinkly so they look a bit sparkly. They were a good buy :-)

  12. Lovely to see photos of your garden! I can almost smell those roses from here. They are one of my favourite things to photograph as it means getting so close to them and taking in the scent. Enjoy these lovely summer days while they last.
