22 June 2018

Lunchtime Concert

Today's concert in the Cathedral was Duo Dolcissimo. Sophie Aynsley Piano and Fiona Jones Oboe.
These accomplished musicians treated us with a delightful programme of Schuman, Dring, Ravel, Saint Saens, Albinoni, Mozart and Morricone.  
I broke with habit and had a salmon sandwich instead of cheese and pickle! 
I still had a frangipani tart though :-)

Time for a browse around the shops.
It's sad and worrying that so many of our high street shops are struggling or going into administration. 
Poundworld was desolate with half empty shelves. M&S didn't have anything at all that came near to inspiring me. I've been saying for years that they just don't understand what their customers want. I thought they had cracked it with their Per Una range, but that didn't last long.
Went into TheWorks for some art things, they didn't have what I wanted. "Look online" said the sales assistant. I think that's part of the problem, so many people shop online now, 
shops don't need huge stocks of everything.

I bought some oranges and mangos on the market and caught the bus home. 

The weather has cooled down a bit, I just have time to prune the roses, water the baskets and tubs 
and tidy a small border before Rufus will be asking for his dinner!

~Be well and have a good weekend ~
Polly x


  1. If I break from my usual food order it is something to document on the calendar that is how much I like the same old same old. Sounds like a nice day out. Around our hometown we have many department stores closing so I have to travel 40 minutes or online. I guess I don't mind too much I guess!

    1. I think most of us are the same with food, we know what we like :-)

  2. Oh Polly, I hope we can find lunchtime concerts like this when we go to England in October! They must be heaven. Acoustics are always wonderful in churches!

    1. They are Jeanie. Come and visit Essex and join me for one :-) I think many cathedrals and churches have concerts. Visit the information centres when you arrive x

  3. Jenny says the same about M&S - they just don't understand what their customers want. She buys practically nothing from them nowadays. With shops running down stocks because of all the online shopping, and even less chance you'll find what you want, the online buying trend can only continue.

    1. And they're probably paying whiz kid executives a fortune to design stuff nobody wants to buy, when all they had to do was canvass their customers in their shops!!
