7 February 2018

It's A Dog's Life

"It's A Dog's Life" 
What does it mean?
Well it has two meanings
It can mean a miserable unhappy existence
or, as in the case of our dogs, a wonderful life. 
Take a look at what life is like for Buster and Rufus.

This wasn't staged, it's Rufus, he just plonks himself down regardless of what's there.

He wasn't sniffing the tulips! it's just the way he was laying

I can't remember how piglet came to be in the garden, 
but Rufus is always quick to spot a comfortable place to rest his head!

If you ever find yourself hankering after getting a dog but don't know what breed to get I would highly recommend a Lurcher. Being related to Greyhounds they are couch potatoes, which is strange, you would think being racing dogs Greyhounds would be high maintenance.  

They get long walks, sleep all day, Rufus loves playing with his toys and we get a lovely welcome home when we have been out, even if it's only for a couple of hours. They are lovely well behaved boys.

A Lurcher is not a breed of dog but is a type of hound that results from cross breeding a Greyhound with a breed of Terrier. They are unique to Britain and Ireland and have been around a very long time.  They are thought to originate from the time when only Noblemen were permitted to own pure bred Sighthounds such as the Greyhound, Saluki, Deerhound, Whippet and Wolfhound. The punishment for a Commoner for possessing one of these  types of hounds was death. So the Lurcher was bred to fulfill the need for the Commoners and Poachers to own a fast and efficient hunting companion.

If you do get a dog, please go to a reputable breeder and make sure you see the mum and dad. And don't reject the idea of a rescue dog. Rufus is a rescue and he is a darling.

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x 


  1. What a delight both those boys are, they certainly have a comfortable home.

  2. Well, first of all, these photos just really made me smile. They are clearly in their element! That looks like pure bliss.

    Second, thanks for explaining what a lurcher is. I read a book back awhile ago -- it might have been one of the Maisie Dobbs books -- and she had a lurcher. I assumed it was a colloquialism for a large dog that might run or bolt or lurch forward on a lead. I didn't realize it was a breed of sorts and now I have a much more specific image for that animal. They look lovely and they certainly do seem to know how to be content!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, that’s a good word, their life is blissful.

  3. Hello Polly,
    If that is what a dog's life really is...sign me up! They are just adorable!
    Big hug

  4. He does get into some amazing postures! I wasn't aware of lurchers at all. Interesting how they came to be bred.

    1. It is, commoners will always find a solution!

  5. Goodness, these two surely know how to enjoy life! :D
    Thank you for the biggest smile of my day! xx

    1. You’re welcome Sara, they know what they like.

  6. loved your photos and all about that kind of dog :) I would love a couch potato dog, I have a mini schnauzer who is 'active' . In his defense he was settled down and sleeping lots until we brought a kitten in the house...

    1. ahh bless him, I hope they're getting on better now.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Sue. I have just visited your lovely blog :-)

  8. Oh my gosh Polly this is the best thing I've seen today, made me laugh out loud. Buster and Rufus are totally gorgeous! I bet they are a pair of characters, they look like they would be. How old are they?

    1. Hi Grace, they are characters in totally different ways, Buster has a few phobias, he won't walk over the hoover lead and has a problem with thresholds between rooms! Rufus lives for food and play. They are both very affectionate. Buster is 7 and Rufus is about 4 and a half :-)

  9. Oh my those photos are hilarious and it is of course their year, being the Year of the Dog from Friday! We (Mr Wren) had a rule no dogs on the sofa which promptly went out the door when ee left the Crazy Poodle at home with the kids... Boy oh boy does he look smug with himself at this new allowed on the sofa status, he hasn't quite got the stature of your lurchers to look like a dog and a throw all in one though!
    Wren x

    1. lol, hello Wren, as you can see it's the year of the dog for our two all the time! Dear CP, once they are given permission there is no going back. Buster wasn't allowed on furniture, but the lady who took Rufus in keeps all her rescue dogs in her home and the only way she could calm Rufus was to allow him on the furniture, so by the time we got him it was set in stone. He does use his bed as well now and again x

  10. I always enjoy see in Arnold the Lurcher on Heartbeat so I wa pleased to see these pics of your sweet dogs!

    1. Hello Pat, nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan of Heartbeat, I think I have seen every episode. I think his name was Alfred, he was a lovely dog.

  11. What a sweet post! Sounds like a win-win for all. xo

  12. Well don't they have the life of Riley?!! They are both gorgeous! My parents had a whippet (he was a deerhound cross) and he loved a cosy bed, particularly if it was too small for him, and he adored lying in a patch of sun, be it in or out doors! I wholeheartedly second the call for people to consider a rescue dog!
