13 January 2018


Lovely walk with the dogs this morning, the sky was blue instead of grey and the sun managed an appearance for a while which was a bonus. I did a slightly longer route, mainly for my benefit, I have been a bit lazy over the last couple of weeks. It's no secret to those who know me that I dislike January, I'm quite happy to hibernate indoors pottering around and eating too much!!

I read in the news that surgeon Simon Bramhall has been fined £10,000 and given a twelve month community order for branding his initials on the livers of two patients. The charge was assault by beating. Some people have been calling for him to be struck off. I'm not in that camp. Surgeons have ENORMOUS egos, they save lives, and I would be eternally grateful to the man if he saved my life, and if my liver was intact and functioning it wouldn’t really matter if his initials were on it. But is it ethically wrong to do such a thing to an unconscious patient? And what about respect, did he display a complete lack of it, was the patient just another notch on his scalpel?

My friend M and I had a lovely day out yesterday at Maldon, a lovely little town on the Blackwater estuary in Essex. Although it has a few of the standard High Street shops it is reminiscent of High Streets of a bygone era, with lots of unique shops and a glorious emporium where you can find loads of good stuff, some you've been looking for for ages and some you didn't even know you wanted! 
It also has a plethora of charity shops. M and I share a love of charity shops, so after a delicious fish and chips lunch we set off down one side of the high street and then back up the other side. Unusually for M she didn't find anything she liked. I bought this lovely necklace for only £4.95. 

Ordinarily we would wander around the many small alleyways and visit any markets that might be open, but it was a cold grim day so we went into M&S food hall, M bought a loaf of bread, I bought a scrumptious chocolate and hazelnut tart to have with a cup of tea later :-)

As I picked up the necklace after taking the photos it broke! it literally came away in my hand, luckily the beads fell on the table with just a few falling on the floor so I was able to find them all and I have bead making materials so I will be able to mend it, and thankfully I have the photos to put it back together intact. I had planned a day of sewing anyway, along with some reading and Netflix.

Enjoy your weekend.
~Be warm and well ~
Polly x 


  1. Now that's an interesting ethical issue. It's a little perverse, to be sure. And would the branding potentially damage the liver in the future. Then the fine seems right. And maybe if the patients didn't realize this was being done. But if done with consent... I don't know.

    We are having a very interesting case over here of a doctor who treated gymnasts at our university, a youth gymnast training center and for the Olympic team who has been charged by more than 60 women and girls for sexual assault in the treating methods he has used. Complaints had been covered up for a long while. (Not to mention the pornography charges). You are right about ego -- and it is so very wrong. But I'm glad these girls and young women have come forward. I hope they get the justice they deserve.

    1. I wondered about possible future damage because it would be scar tissue. We have unquestioning faith in our doctors but it seems so many have abused that faith here and on your side of the Atlantic.

  2. Yes, the Simon Bramhall case is intriguing. A brilliant surgeon, saver of lives, but obviously quite mad. Don't get me started on hospital consultants... I have never visited Maldon, but would like to; I've heard good things about it and there was a famous battle there, of course.

    1. I wonder what was going through his mind at the time, no sane person would even think of such a thing. I didn't know about the battle of Maldon but I do now. The Saxons fought bravely and killed many, but the Vikings won. I hope you haven't suffered at the hands of a consultant.

  3. Hi Polly,

    Inderdaad ongelooflijk wat chirurg Simon Bramhall heeft gedaan,
    gisteren hoorde ik het op de radio, onbegrijpelijk, volgens mij
    moeten dit soort mensen nooit meer dit beroep uitoefenen.
    Volgens mij ben je gek als je zoiets doet.

    Je hebt trouwens een prachtige ketting gekocht, zo mooi vind ik
    deze keuren altijd. jammer dat hij uit elkaar viel maar nu kan je
    hem met het voorbeeld van de foto mooi en sterk in elkaar zetten.

    Wens je een heel fijn weekend.....

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Hi Josephine. Yes I think he is quite crazy. I think he has resigned now.

  4. Why he did that? Anyway, I love your necklace..

    1. Hi Krishna, perhaps he thought he was artist signing his work!

  5. Such a shame about the necklace, hope you manage to get it put back together. I love a good mooch around the charity shops and markets too. I surprise myself with things I didn't know I needed.

    1. :-) I've got all the beads in place on some wire but it's the wrong thickness, I will get the correct one when I go into town.

  6. I always head for the charity shops too. What a shame your necklace broke,I hope you will enjoy wearing it once you are able to mend it. Sarah x

  7. We love Maldon, and reading your words bought back happy memories.


    Shame your necklace broke, hope it mends ok it looks so pretty.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, it should be ok once I get the right wire.

  8. I'm not sure how I'd feel having my innards tattooed Polly, as you say as long as everything is working as it should 😀 sounds like a super time with your friend M, you never know when you might find that treasure in a charity shop. Sorry your treasure fell apart.. easy fixed by the sound of it ☺

    1. Hi Grace, yes I will be able to fix it, when I get round to it, I'm absorbed with quilting at the moment!
