26 January 2018

Lunchtime Concert

Every Friday Chelmsford Cathedral hosts lunchtime concerts. They can be organ recitals,  chamber music, school singers, a trio of violin, cello and piano, soloists, all excellent and all free - but I think everybody who attends puts something into the coffers, and let me tell you it is always well attended, almost standing room only.

The Cathedral website publish what the concerts are and my friend M and I try to go to one or two a month. Today's concert was an excellent folk duo, one British and one Swedish. Their style blends traditional and historical material with contemporary sounds. Their instruments are Swedish nyckelharpas, flute, Scottish smallpipes, Swedish bagpipes, English border pipes, guitar, accordion, cowhorn, harpischord and piano. Occasionally, if I've done a bit of shopping beforehand I close my eyes and just drift away with the music, but not today, I didn't want to miss a second, it was beautiful, and there was some audience participation needed. Sandwiches, cakes, tea and coffee are available or people can take their own. 

I didn't do much shopping today, just some milk, cereal and Asti Spumante, oh and chocolate! Hotel Chocolat still have their post Christmas sale on, a few items are less than half price so it would be silly
not to :-)

Back home now and I have just enjoyed my favourite M&S chocolate and hazlenut tart with a cup of tea. No cooking tonight. My daughter and son-in-law are away for the weekend, so I'm in charge of my grandson. Aged 14 and 6' 1" I can hardly say I'm babysitting, more like supervising! We usually have fish n chip Friday (he has 2 jumbo sausages and chips), and McDonald's Saturday. I know I spoil him, but that's what nans do, and it gives me an excuse to have fast food now and again!

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x 


  1. The concert sounds just fabulous and I am wild about your daffodils. Looks like you'll have fun in store with your grand! Happy weekend!

  2. How wonderful to have your Grandson for company and a real treat with the fast food.

  3. I hadn't noticed the M&S chocolate and hazelnut tart. I must give it a try and see if it's as delicious as it sounds.

    1. I can wholeheartedly recommend it. Their pistachio and cherry tart is good too.

  4. how fun to be in charge of a teen! He sounds like he will be very tall :) I loved teen years with my two kids. Your daffodils are cheerful and a welcome sight!

    1. I like having bright flowers around the house, especially at this time of year.

  5. What a perfect day, Polly. The concert sounds amazing, and then tea and cake and time with the grandson. Good for you.

  6. Oh believe me I am warm Polly 😀 Love the idea of the concerts, that was an interesting selection of instruments the duo were playing ☺ Your grandson sounds lovely, I bet he enjoys his time with you too. It's almost time for bed here in Perth and all I can think about is chocolate and hazelnut tarts 😀

    1. Yes he is lovely, he has his teenage boy moments, but mostly he is a good kid. Sleep tight :-)
