21 January 2018

Quiet Day

Quiet day today after a busy one yesterday. My daughter and I enjoyed a few hours together shopping. It wasn't a marathon, only about 4 hours, but that's my limit, I can't shop til I drop nowadays. Arrived home about 5:15, just enough time for a bit of a sit down and rest before going out to a Burns Night do in the village hall. 

The evening started with a local choir singing a couple of Scottish songs followed by a couple of readings and then the toast as the haggis was piped in. I have never eaten haggis and didn't think I would like it so I opted for the vegetarian option, but it was stodgy and not very tasty. There was plenty of both on the table so I tried the non-vegetarian one, it was much better, moist and tasty. It was accompanied by delicious gravy, mashed potato, cabbage and my favourite veg, mashed swede, I could eat plates of it. Pudding was clootie dumpling and custard, very nice. We then had a great time Scottish country dancing, accompanied by lots of laughs when we got it wrong! Everyone had a lovely time and returned home exhausted and happy. 

It's snowing now. I am going to spend the rest of the day reading, and, if I can move of the sofa, maybe a bit of sewing.

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x 


  1. Sounds like a fun evening Polly. Hope you have a good rest today and enjoy your book.

  2. Gosh it's been a long while since I've been to a Burns night Polly but it was exactly as you describe it here.. so much fun.. apart from the haggis 😀 love your description of a quiet day, I love shopping with my daughter too, thankfully she is like me and not a heavy duty shopper ☺

    1. Hi Grace, I won't be having them again until next year! :-)

  3. how nice to be out and about with your daughter :) I've stayed home this weekend, knitting my time away or reading my time away. It's all good!

    1. January is definitely the month for cosying up with a good book or some knitting or sewing :-)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day to me!

  5. Your post brought back memories. I haven't been to a Burns night in donkeys years. Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog.

    1. This was the first Burns one I've been to, but I have been to lots of cèilidh's

  6. I don't think I could manage even 4 hours of shopping, but then I'm not much of a shopper anyway. I'm the type who's only driven to the shops when some item of clothing has totally disintegrated.

    I've never been to a Burns Night. It sounds fun, except that as a vegetarian I wouldn't touch the haggis. Not sure I would have touched heart, liver, lungs and stomach even when I was a meat-eater!

    1. ha ha, that made me laugh. I don't think my father-in-law ever went into a clothes shop, my mother-in-law bought everything for him!

    2. I've always bought my own clothes. No way would Jenny bother to do that (and I wouldn't want her to).

  7. Hello Polly,
    It sounds like a perfect day.
    Big hug

  8. A quiet day is a good day.
    I have never tasted haggis and would definitely prefer the vegetarian version. :) Mashed potato and mashed swede are loved by everyone here, also mixed together.
    Thank you for the interesting posts (I seem to have missed some!) and your wintry header is gorgeous.
    Have a great new week! xx

    1. Thank you Sara. I wouldn't choose to eat haggis, it will only be a once a year event. x

  9. Those daffodils are so lovely! Spring! It's dark and gloomy here and they are just what I need to start my morning. I love your header too. (I'd be inclined to give haggis a pass...)

    1. That's just what they do Jeanie, bright and cheerful in the kitchen x

  10. What a lovely blog! Nice to meet you from Michelle's Thursday link. Thank you for visiting my post, too. Nice to hear you had snow. I love snow! We have several inches presently.

    1. Thank you Betsy. The problem with snow here is that because it doesn't happen very often we're not prepared for it :-)

  11. "...then the toast as the haggis was piped in."


    My husband is a bagpiper. I have never had haggis myself... too stomachy!

  12. Quiet days can be so enjoyable.
    Love those daffodils.

    All the best Jan
