1 January 2018


Once the hangover has dissipated and we return to the routine of daily life some of us will be wondering what the year ahead has in store for us, and at the same time reflecting on the year that has just gone. Did you make any 2017 resolutions? If so did you keep them? Do you keep a check list of what you would like to achieve and tick it off when completed? I suspect the first entry on a lot of people’s list would be to lose some weight and get fit. I think memberships to gyms and slimming clubs quadruple in January then taper off in March. I won’t be doing either of those things but I will return to sensible eating instead of devouring every chocolate, cake or dessert I could get my hands on!! 
Do we set ourselves up for failure by attempting unrealistic goals? That’s not a criticism, we are creatures of habit, and no matter how hard we try we nearly always revert back to default mode. 
But if you think about it we achieve a lot just in our daily lives – jobs to go to, training for careers, homemakers, raising families, caring for loved ones, and even us retired folk achieve a lot with hobbies, voluntary work and days out.
There are about a dozen things I could put on a New Year’s resolution list but I’m not going to. I’m going to continue trying to keep fit and healthy and enjoy family, friends and life. 
If you do make some New Year resolutions and they fall by the wayside in a few months time, don’t beat yourself up, think about what you do achieve every day.

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x 


  1. Hello, Polly! Wonderful thoughts and post. I did not make resolutions, I do try to be good all year. It is cold out there, stay warm! Happy New Year!

  2. No resolutions. Some intentions. But life and living it is more important. We all do the best we can and hopefully we master more than a few of those! At least, I hope so!

    Happy New Year!

    1. I think most of us pitch it just about right :-)

  3. Happy New Year, Polly! Thank you so much for dropping by my blog - I do appreciate it. I have been doing the same New Year's resolution for a few years: to "meet or beat" the number of books I read every year. It's a good challenge for me to make the time to do something good for myself - I love reading, but it tends to slip off the radar at times.

    1. Hello Sheila, it's good to meet you. I love reading too, I read a book a month with my book group and some of mine in-between if I have time! Happy New Year

  4. Hi Polly, excellent advice above! You're so right, we do get a bit carried away with unrealistic new year resolutions. This year I decided on a goal instead, it's been two years since I walked/ran the 14km City to Surf, mostly because of a knee issue.. it's in August thus giving me plenty time to prepare. The goal encompasses weight loss AND fitness, clever plan huh 😀 Wishing yourself and family all the very best for 2018 ✨🎊🎈

    1. Hi Grace, its good to hear from you. Now that sounds like an excellent plan. I did a 10k charity run in London in 2008, It was great fun. I hope you mention it in your blog, I would like to follow your progress. Happy New Year to you and your family x

  5. This is the best.. try to be happy and healthy through out the year..

  6. I didn't keep any of my 2017 resolutions. I'm trying a different path in 2018 - to keep doing the same things but try to do them a little better. Health and happiness really is the way to go. Happy New Year, dear Polly.

    1. Thank you Amalia.I wish you and your family good health and lots of happiness, and for all of us too xx

  7. Health and happiness is a good way to look at things, it is back to healthy eating for me in the hope that I will lose some of the weight I have put on recently on my travels. Best wishes for 2018.

    1. I think its a given that we will put weight on whilst on holiday swiftly followed by Christmas, a double whammy for both of us!! I weighed myself today, not good but what I expected, but as you say healthy eating will put us back on track again. Best wishes to you too mama x

  8. Sounds good to me...time for another beer. Happy New Year!
