6 December 2017

Wall Art

Oh dear, it's the last day of my holiday and I am sad, very sad to be leaving my daughter.

I still have a few images to share with you.

I'm a fan of wall art, a lot of aptitude and talent goes into it.
Fremantle has an abundance of graffiti, or "tags" as it is more commonly known. 

A few years ago the council decided that graffiti can be art, however offensive graffiti will be removed upon discovery by city officers or when reported, and can result in fines and a criminal record. 

Genuine artists need to go through a mural application process
or get involved in the city's urban art program. 

These next 10 images run the length of a warehouse selling household items from around the world.

These three and the cricket are on the old Myers building which is due for renovation

Looking down Freo High Street 


Hope you have enjoyed the tour of wall art, just a few of many around the city.

Time to pack my case now....

Polly x 

1 comment:

  1. This is eye candy for the soul Polly. So much inspiration at every turn of the corner. I love wall art! It brings a vibrancy to the city.
