13 November 2015

The Dolls House Garage

A few months ago whilst browsing in a dolls house shop I saw these real stone tiles and decided that
despite the cost (2 boxes = £37),  they would be perfect for the garage floor.

I started by placing them in situ to make sure that I had enough, which I did, just.

Some had to be cut, a job I wasn't looking forward to, I couldn't afford any breakages
as I didn't want to buy another box.

I used the Stanley knife to score the tiles, then the saw to cut through.
I only broke one, which I put at the back.

I spread PVA glue on the floor, put the tiles in place and used toothpicks as dividers but then .........

as I was taking this picture I realised I didn't need spacers to keep horizontal tiles in place - doh! I could gauge the space between each tile, I just needed a straight even space between the rows, for which I used these highly technical torn off pieces of cereal box ......

After painting a solution of half PVA glue and half water over the tiles they were ready for grouting

Job done

Ready for the Porsche now!


  1. I love this! I have a dolls house too which I am making as a family heirloom. So far the tiles on the roof have been done and exposed brickwork on the sides. It has been gathering a little dust this year, but I plan to get going on the floors after Christmas. Great idea with the cereal packet! x

    1. I dip in and out of it, at the moment I am very focused, I go to bed thinking about what I'm going to do next! It's definitely a winter project. I would like to see the work you do on yours x

  2. I wish that my garage looked this nice.

    1. ha ha yes, the only time I've ever seen a garage like this was in a brand new house many years ago.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Nancy, it's a labour of love :-)

  4. Late to the party, but wow. Of course, like Tom, I tend to think a real garage floor is discoloured and uneven concrete. Could you add a little oil stain in there?

    1. ha ha, yes that would look good, I will bear it in mind. The plan is to eventually have a car in there and lots of car stuff on shelves
