7 September 2015


I hate them. I can keep control of them in my garden but on my allotment it's a full time job, as I'm pulling out or digging over one lot I can almost see more growing. I often I feel like buying a flame thrower to completely obliterate them. 
Out in the countryside though it's completely different, they are a different species and quite often they can look almost pretty and graceful.

When I was a little girl, probably about 8 or 9 myself and friends would play out every day of the summer holidays. Most of the time it was down the rec, in the playing field, or just outside in the street, possible in those days because there were very few cars. Occasionally we ventured further afield into the countryside in search of adventure. Our favourite haunt was somewhere called the turbs, I can't remember why it was called that but I can remember a den we built and the day we got caught scrumping apples from a farmer's field, I was more afraid of my father's anger than the policeman who gave us a good talking to - we never did it again.

Anyway the point of this trip down memory lane is that on those outings into the countryside there were lots of these pink weeds growing everywhere, although at the time I didn't know they were weeds, I thought they were pretty and I would pick arms full of them to take back to my mum.

My dear mum never told me they were weeds, she thanked me and put them in a vase of water and set them on the sideboard, and there they stayed until they died, then I would pick some more for her.


  1. I think Polly (although don't quote me on this) that the pink flowers are campion, it's hard to tell without a close up. If it is then you weren't bringing your Mum weeds at all just arm fulls of very pretty wild flowers (I think there are cultivated kinds too). I love taking a walk in the countryside and seeing all the different flowers and weeds although I can see your point about not wanting them on your allotment.

    1. aah thank you Sarah, I have looked up wild campion and I think you're right. I don't think my mum knew because years later she referred to the pretty weeds I used to bring home for her x

  2. That's a lovely memory, Polly. Everything is relative - isn't a weed merely a plant growing somewhere you don't want it to be? Your mum obviously wanted the flowers! Wonderful shots, by the way.

    1. Thank you Mike. Yes they are. I let a huge plant/weed grow in a north facing corner every year. I'm sure it's a weed because I've seen them out on my walks but I let it grow because it's tall and floaty and fills the gap nicely. I do have to remove its offspring from around it though!

  3. Isn't it always so? You are more open to things when they are not in your way :-) Gorgeous photos.

  4. Aren't mums the best Polly. I know what you mean about weeds, I can actually feel the weeds in my garden growing out there as I type :)

    1. Hello Grace, indeed they are. I was going to tackle more weeks on my allotment today but its raining - again :-(
