29 September 2015

Another Year Older

I wasn’t going to do a post about my birthday but I had such a good day that I couldn’t let it go without a mention. My lovely darling eldest daughter took me out to Saffron Waldon for a lovely day of shopping, lunch at a Tiptree restaurant (one of my favourite places for lunch)

and a cream tea in the afternoon.  

Back home a beautiful bouquet of flowers had arrived from my darling youngest daughter in Australia. I’m a lucky mum and grandmother, my grandson got me some gorgeous body lotion, hand cream and Green & Blacks chocs - he knows me well :-) 

Saffron Walden is a pretty market town in Essex. It retains a rural atmosphere and appearance
and has some fine buildings dating from the medieval period.

My birthday wasn’t confined to just one day, the following day I went out with some friends for an Indian meal, and yesterday I had an overnight stay meeting up with some friends that I started working with 25 years ago!! We get together twice a year. 
Back down to earth now with lawns to mow and a garden and allotment to tidy up and..... a dentist’s appointment, I can feel my heart beating faster and the anxiety creeping in just at the mention of it……..


  1. Happy birthday! Nice to hear that you had such a lovely day.

    1. Thank you Amalia, very sorry for the late reply x

  2. What a wonderful way to spend a Birthday - I really can't think of anything that would improve it! I like to spread my Birthdays out too, one day just isn't long enough. I hear you regarding the dentist, I have an appointment next week, just a check up but I'm already fretting about it ...

    1. Hi Sarah, I've only just removed my birthday cards, I don't like throwing them away! Hope your dentist appointment was ok x

  3. A very Happy Birthday to you. I used to live near Saffron Walden - near Great Dunmow. Lovely area and I miss it so much! Enjoy the rest of your day and week xx

    1. Thank you Chel. A friend and myself like going to Gt Dunmow for a cream tea or just to browse around.xx

  4. Hello Polly,
    Happy belated birthday. I'm glad it was celebrated the way it should be. Good luck at the dentist.
    Big hug

    1. Thank you Giac. The dentist wasn't too bad, most of the work had been done on the previous visit, but I still needed an injection to fit the infill.
