20 September 2015

Rufus' Diary

It's been bit of an eventful week here at chez O&P

Poor little Buster, those horrible harvest mites are giving him a hard time. 
The Frontline spray that SL used on his legs was effective but she didn't think about spraying his chest.

She bought some of this cream, it smells absolutely foul but it seems to help sooth his skin.

Scary Lady has been to the dentist and has a follow up appointment in two weeks time, she doesn't like going to the dentist, she will probably tell you about it later.

I had a funny turn the other morning. After running around and rubbing my face on the ground I started sort of coughing or wheezing, SL thought I was going to be sick, but then thought maybe I had inhaled some tiny wheat grains and for a moment thought I was choking. I then sat down and SL had to put me on the lead to get me to walk. I didn't do any more running around, I walked back home and soon felt fine.

The week ended well with our Friday morning walk with the other dogs at the park. We have a great time, we run around, sniff bottoms and chase each other.

and then we get some lovely tasty treats.

Hope you have a good/fun/happy weekend


  1. Poor Buster, that looks sore. Gus suffers in a similar way when he gets fleas and still has a bare patch at the base of his tail from a couple of years ago but fingers crossed we have avoided it this year. We found pure aloe vera from the health food shop helped. It's soothing, doesn't smell bad and it doesn't do any harm if they lick it. Hope he's all sorted soon.

    1. Hello Sarah, SL is going to get some aloe vera as she can't stand the smell of the Ekoneem cream and she's not happy with him licking it. He looks a sorry sight, but he seems happy enough. Poor Gus, hope he stays ok this year.

  2. Exciting times, Rufus. Glad to hear that the week ended on a good note.

    1. Hello Amalia, yes we have a good life. We haven't had many long walks this week though because of the rain :-( I hope Friday's weather is good for the dog group walk x

  3. Do be careful, Rufus. Perhaps sticking your face in the ground and rubbing it around is not such a good idea. Give Buster a gentle hug for me. I'm sorry he has to deal with those horrible mites. The injustice of it all!

    1. Thank you Nancy, you're very kind. I will give Buster a hug, or in our case a gentle nudge. I'm such a scatter brain, I charge around without thinking what I'm doing and often come home with a cut or a sprain, I'm hardy though and SL has been keeping a beady eye on me since that episode! x
