9 February 2025

Happy Birthday

Our church café is one year old.

We had a lovely morning yesterday 

with lots of visitors enjoying drinks, cake, sausage rolls and bacon rolls

and balloons for the children to take away with them.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Delicious, delicious fun.

    1. Those cakes are toooo delicious, I can't resist the chocolate brownies!

  2. How nice - Happy Birthday to the Cafe x
    Alison in Wales x

  3. This is lovely. There is so much beauty and interaction in a smaller community -- I would love that!

  4. How long did it take to get people in? My church is doing a coffee morning sort of thing and not getting many locals in.

    1. We open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Wednesdays took off quite quickly because the school mums started coming in and then the pre-school little ones. Saturdays took a bit longer. But after just a few weeks we were getting locals in regularly, then some cyclists heard about us, then some mums who had dropped their children off to a dance club. We have a scout activity centre nearby, they did a walk and came in after for bacon rolls. We advertise, but word of mouth is the best advertising.Don't despair, it takes time for word to get around.

  5. Belated anniversary wishes to your church cafe, Polly, and it's wonderful that so many people stopped in to celebrate and that the cafe has a steady clientele.

  6. How wonderful! What a gorgeous cake!
