12 February 2025

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine, and now it has become a cultural and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world. 
Couples often celebrate by exchanging gifts and going out for a special meal or preparing one at home. If you want to mix it up a bit I found a few ideas online. Depending on time committments you could:
πŸ’˜ Have breakfast in bed
Start your day with romance, make heart-shaped eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes. Then, depending on circumstances, stay in bed, do a crossword together, binge-watch your favourite shows, reminisce about your wedding day, holidays, family times, or how and why you first fell in love with each other.

πŸ’˜ Book a staycation.
My daughter and son-in-law don't do Valentine's Day, they treat themselves to regular weekends away in gorgeous hotels. 
You don’t have to go far from home to have a getaway and l
eave routine behind. Book a night at a nearby hotel. Order room service, watch a film or just enjoy some quality time together.

πŸ’˜ Go to an arcade.
Life can get busy with responsibilites but it’s important to wind down now and again. Why not release your inner child and head to an amusement arcade. Engage in a friendly shooting or racing game, and grab some drinks and food at the same time.

πŸ’˜ Plan a photo shoot.
When was the last time you had your photo taken, just the two of you? For a lot of couples, it might only be one or two holiday snaps or even just the wedding photos! Hire a photographer, or, for an inexpensive option, ask a friend to take a few casual snapshots. Then (and this is the most important part), actually print them out and display them in your home. You could make it your Valentine's Day tradition.

πŸ’˜ Have a cosy meal in, mix up a few cocktails - there are lots of recipes online, and play a board game. Pick a favourite from your collection or ..... try a new saucy one!

πŸ’˜ Send your partner on a treasure hunt to find little gifts. Put 
handwritten clues around the house, or leave trails of rose petals.

πŸ’˜ Happy Valentine's Day πŸ’˜ 


  1. Lovely suggestions, Polly! I like especially the idea of a photo shoot... it's something we have never done but should have.
    By the way, in Finland, Valentine's Day is called 'YstΓ€vΓ€npΓ€ivΓ€' (literally “Friend's Day”) and, like the name says, the idea is to celebrate friendship. It's good: you can remember your partner but also all the other important persons in your life. :)
    Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    1. Thank you Sara. I like the "Friend's Day". I used to give my grandson a Valentine card. I haven't done it for a while, I might re-instate it tomorrow!

  2. So many fun ideas. Happy Valentine’s Day, Polly!

  3. Some great ideas here. We had a nice meal out with friends.
