4 February 2025


The sun is still low in the sky but daylight hours are slowly lengthening. Since the loss of Rufus I haven't been out for a walk, he was the incentive I needed to get out on cold miserable mornings. But Sunday was a glorious day so I took myself out. I didn't do any of my favourite routes because it would have made me feel sad so I chose a road route alongside the fields. It was a nice walk in the sunshine. And today I joined a Heart & Sole group for a short walk.

I'm always impressed by Mother nature, she creates these darling little snowdrops, so delicate but they survive harsh winds, frost and snow.

I'm hopping between a few things at the moment, a bit of quilting, a bit of art, but mostly work on my Lake View dolls house which is taking soooo long. My current projects are making a TV and an armchair.

Tonight's tea was a jacket potato with beans and cheese and a dollop of branston pickle, always a favourite because it's quick and easy to prepare, and tasty. Another easy, quick and tasty meal is tomato soup with a Greggs vegan sausage roll, Iceland sell them to cook straight from the freezer. I think I will have that tommorrow.

I've just realised the winter clematis didn't flower, it looks ok but this is the first time it hasn't flowered in quite a few years. Perhaps I didn't prune it properly 😞 

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x


  1. Hi Polly, I understand about your walks. I'm glad you were able to get out today and so wise to take a different route. You've had a big loss -- being gentle with yourself is important. Your dinner looks good. And I will look forward to seeing the Lake View dolls house -- and update or the end result!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I hope it won't be too long before I have something to post about Lake View house

  2. I am sorry about your loss, but I am glad to read you are getting out for a walk. Your dinner looks good to me.

  3. It’s been too cold here for walking outside as usual. Glad you can still enjoy yours.

    1. I prefer sunny days, I can't do overcast!

  4. I have a few homemade baked beans to eat up, not enough for a meal themselves, and I was wondering what to do with them. But thanks to your photo, now I know! I have a russet potato in the fridge and some grated cheddar too. They will all be my supper tomorrow night, thanks!

    1. Glad to be of service Debra, I hope you enjoy your supper😊

  5. Walking familiar routes without your companion is very hard so you were wise to take a different path. Heart and Sole sounds good!

    1. It is Janice, I think it will take a while before I can do a favourite walk.

  6. I understand why you'd want to take a different walking path for a while. The cold weather here has been detrimental to my walks. I worry about slipping and falling. I'm excited to see your Lake View dolls house!

    1. I have a lovely pair of wellies that I feel very confident in.

  7. It’s great that you got out for a walk, Polly!
    Snowdrops are such a lovely reminder of nature’s strength.
    Your dolls house project sounds fun.
    That jacket potato with beans and cheese looks amazing! 😋

  8. Spring sunshine makes us healthy. Enjoy your walk with warm clothes.

  9. I LOVE potatoes and beans. So yummy.

    When we lost Wiggy, I didn't go in the back garden much at all. Still really haven't enjoyed it since. Sorry you lost your pup. They are such wonderful creatures.
