15 September 2024

My Village Church

As well as a place of worship my village church is also a community hub for various social events.

The cafe opens on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, staffed by volunteers.

beautiful new oak doors

and a new cycle rack, which this owner chose not to use!

Cream teas on the church lawn have been enjoyed once a month
throughout the summer

Last Saturday the event was a Murder Mystery play.

 The tape was to prevent people going to the tables until later.
the bar

We sat in the pews for the first half of the play. At half time the cast moved among us so that we could interrogate them ask questions. We then moved to the tables for delicious quiche, potatoes, salad and coleslaw with red or white wine. There were packs of clues on the tables. After the main course we returned to the pews for the unravelling of the plot and revealing the identity of the murderer. Then back to the tables for a scrumptious sherry trifle. It was a great night, but very few worked out who dunnit! The cast didn't want paying, all the profits went to the church roof fund. 
The next event is a history of the pub and and an update on the work to date. It will include pub food and entertainment. Should be good.
And next month we have a concert with Brentwood Mac playing Fleetwood Mac's hits.

 ∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x


  1. That murder mystery sounds like a good time! (And a delicious one!) I've only been to two murder mystery events -- one was for a friend's birthday and we all had to come dressed as our favourite TV/movie/novel detectives, and the other one was a drag event where all the roles were portrayed by drag queens and kings. Both were fun!

    1. I've done some at freind's homes where we dressed up, they are great fun.

  2. Your village church sounds like the perfect community hub.
    I love how it hosts everything from cream teas on the lawn to a fun Murder Mystery night.
    The new oak doors and cycle rack are great touches.

    Happy Monday, Polly!

  3. It's nice that those who make decisions for the church allow it to be used by the community. The new oak doors and the cycle rack (even though not used) look great. We went to a murder mystery play at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., years ago. It was called Shear Madness. We had a wonderful time, although no one figured out who the killer was.


  4. I love that the church is used as a community spot, too. The events look fun and I'll bet they are well attended.

    1. They are, it's nice to see so many people attending.

  5. How wonderful to have the church being used as a community center as well as for worship. Love the idea of a murder mystery night.

    1. It was very successful, I hope they do more.

  6. Your church is beautiful, and how nice that it serves as a community center. The murder mystery sounds like so much fun!

  7. Your village church sounds like a wonderful community hub, hosting a variety of engaging events. The recent Murder Mystery play, complete with delicious food and interactive elements, must have been a delightful experience. It's great to see such events supporting the church roof fund. The upcoming history event and the Fleetwood Mac concert also sound promising.

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    1. I'm looking forward to the Fleetwood Mac concert.

  8. It sounds like your village church has quite a vibrant community, Polly, and the murder mystery sounds like a lot of fun. Did you solve the mystery?

    1. Hello Beatrice, no I didn't solve the murder, not many people did.
