15 September 2024

My Village Church

As well as a place of worship my village church is also a community hub for various social events.

The cafe opens on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, staffed by volunteers.

beautiful new oak doors

and a new cycle rack, which this owner chose not to use!

Cream teas on the church lawn have been enjoyed once a month
throughout the summer

Last Saturday the event was a Murder Mystery play.

 The tape was to prevent people going to the tables until later.
the bar

We sat in the pews for the first half of the play. At half time the cast moved among us so that we could interrogate them ask questions. We then moved to the tables for delicious quiche, potatoes, salad and coleslaw with red or white wine. There were packs of clues on the tables. After the main course we returned to the pews for the unravelling of the plot and revealing the identity of the murderer. Then back to the tables for a scrumptious sherry trifle. It was a great night, but very few worked out who dunnit! The cast didn't want paying, all the profits went to the church roof fund. 
The next event is a history of the pub and and an update on the work to date. It will include pub food and entertainment. Should be good.
And next month we have a concert with Brentwood Mac playing Fleetwood Mac's hits.

 ∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

10 September 2024

A Nice Walk

Another U3A walk a couple of weeks ago

Tasty blackberries

interesting architecture

lovely cottages

Back to the pub for a meal
It was a good walk and the weather was glorious.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

6 September 2024

Rufus' Diary

Hello dear reader I hope you are well. Autumn is on its way, daylight hours are shorter, it's dark by 8 o/clock, the evenings are slightly chilly but the days are still sunny and warm.

Crops are being harvested

We're enjoying lots of lovely walks

The bonfire that never goes out is still not out 😄

Polly loves her small patio at the bottom of the garden and now she has created another lovely shady area to sit, under the cherry tree

That whole area behind the recliner was completely overgrown with nettles and weeds which was great for bees and butterflies but when it all died down she cleared it away.

There's a nice cool place for me to enjoy too.

We don't know what this cute little insect is.

A guy in the village is a Naturetrek Group Leader. Now and again he sets up a box in the churchyard to see how many moths visit. There were lots of species, sizes and colours but they didn't all photograph well.

Because I was a rescue the exact date of my birthday is unknown. Polly worked backwards from when they got me and how old they said I was and guessed that I was born in Sep 2012 and so she decided I would share my birthday with her later in the month. I will be 12, I daren't tell you how old Polly will be 😀

∼ Be safe and well ∼
Rufus 🐾

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