28 January 2024

Jigsaw Mania

I completed this jigsaw before Christmas, it was a nice one to do

and this one just after Christmas, which was fun to do

and currently doing this one which is more challenging with the darkness at the top, and the lace at the bottom.


The lunchtime concerts at the Cathedral are almost back to full attendance. I would guess there were upwards of 200 people there on Friday. The concert was a brilliant violinist and her piano accompaniment who was also excellent.


Yesterday was Burns Night in the village hall. It was a great night, haggis, mashed potato, mashed swede, cabbage and gravy, and clootie pudding and custard followed by lots of Cèilidh dancing. Everyone left exhausted and happy.

∼ Be warm and well∼ 
Polly x 

23 January 2024

National Portrait Gallery

After reviving ourselves with coffee and cake we continued around the gallery

Sir Winston Churchill

Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery

King George VI, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and the young princesses Elizabeth and Margaret

During the Second World War Princess Elizabeth, aged 19, joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) training as a driver and mechanic. In this photograph the future queen is crouching by the vehicle's tyre. The slight blurring of her hand and tool suggests that she is moving and working, rather than posing for the photographer. 

This display presents a small selection of everyday portraits.
Top row
Cotton kanga commemorating the death of Julius Nyerere, former president of Tanzania, and example of the sort of fabrics used in many African countries.
Mask derived from the novel V for Vendetta, and inspired by Guy Fawkes.
Vinyl record 'Live' recorded by Bob Marley and The Wailers.
Centre row
Popular 19th century ceramic figures.
Music fan jacket and t-shirt with pin badges and patches.
Handbag containing ID, money, credit cards, stamps and a copy of Wuthering Heights with the Gallery's portrait of Emily Bronte on the cover.
Lower row
Satirical pet toys depicting Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair.
Collectible stickers from the man's and women's European football championships.
Royal memorabilia, ranging from tea towels to mugs, and a tin sent by Princess Mary to troops in the First World War. 

I think this is an excellent portrait of Germaine Greer

I love this

but not these. I know art is subjective, I get the one of the mother and daughter portraying life from child to woman, but the one on the left - it's just ugly.

The timeless beauty of Audrey Hepburn

and Diana, Princess of Wales

This is beautiful. Malala Yousafzai, activist and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. The artist Shirin Neshat hand inscribed in calligraphy a poem by the Pashto poet Rahmat Shah Sayel.

I like this one too

A very nice portrait of King Charles III

William, Prince of Wales and Catherine Princess of Wales

There is so much more to see, I couldn't possibly have photographed all the marvellous exhibits. It's a wonderful place and makes for a very good day out.

∼ Be warm and well∼ 
Polly x 

21 January 2024

National Portrait Gallery

My friend M and I had nice day out at the National Portrait Gallery. 

The National Portrait Gallery is an art gallery in London that houses a collection of portraits of historically important and famous British people. When it opened in 1856, it was arguably the first national public gallery in the world that was dedicated to portraits. In 1896 the gallery moved to its current site at St Martin's Place. 

We started with the Tudors

Queen Elizabeth I                  Mary Queen of Scots

We wondered how the women went to the toilet once they were fitted into these dresses. Apparantly they didn't wear knickers, and because those garments were so open a chamber pot was easily used. Or maybe they just peed where they stood! If you're interested in Tudor lavatorial stuff click here

Queen Elizabeth I

King Edward VI                           I think this is Sir Walter Raleigh

       Henry VIII                        This memorial portrait of Sir Henry Unton depicts his
                                         life, death and funeral shown in various scenes

I can't remember who this is but I love the dress

The House of Commons 1833. This panorama depicts the first session of the newly elected House of Commons after the Reform Act was passed in 1832. At the front are key figures from the House of Lords. The artist, George Hayter was unable to sell the huge painting, eventually he persuaded the government to buy it for the newly founded Gallery.

King George V, Princess Mary, Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor and Queen Mary. The portrait was painted just a few months before the outbreak of the First World War. The Queen and Mary appear reserved while the King is dressed in full military uniform signifying duty and service to the nation. Two decades later the young Prince Edward jeopardised the throne when, as King Edward VIII, he abdicated.

The Relief of Lucknow, 1857
This large painting celebrates Britain's suppression of a mass uprising that took place in India between 1857 and 1858. It imagines the end of a bloody battle in the northern city of Lucknow, with 29 British officers shown triumphantly at the centre and the Indian rebels in the shadows. 

Florence Nigtingale attending to the wounded.

By now we were ready for a sit down and a coffee and cake to re-charge our batteries to continue with the rest of the collections.

To be continued

∼ Be warm and well∼ 
Polly x