Last week's walk wasn't as pretty as most, there was a fair amount of walking on roads. But we did walk through some countryside
following the line of their footpath, just where that lawnmower is.

They are going to apply to move the path to the boundary of the garden
where I was standing to take this photo. It would offer them more privacy
and give photographers a better view of the whole building.
Back at the pub where I had a free meal! After ordering our food my lasagne didn't arrive. I was just about to enquire when the waitress who took our order came over, she was very apologetic as she explained it hadn't gone through to the kitchen. I think it was the supervisor who then came over, also very apologetic, to tell me that they wouldn't charge me for it, AND when it did arrive the kitchen had given me an extra large portion!! Although a free meal is a bonus it did mean that most of my group were halfway through their meals by the time mine arrived, and one had finished, then I felt a bit like they were waiting for me to finish before they could go. I did say I didn't mind if they left but they seemed happy to finish their drinks and chat.
∼ Be safe and well ∼
Polly x