11 May 2022

Around The World In 80 Days

Another good programme that can be found on BBC iPlayer is "Around The World In 80 Days". I'm a huge David Tennant fan and I like adventure so it was a must watch for me. 

Based on the novel by Jules Verne David Tennant stars as the unlikely globetrotter Phileas Fogg. Fogg is accompanied by his trusted valet Jean Passepartout, played by Ibrahim Koma, and journalist Abigail Fix Fortescue, played by Leonie Benesch, and a supporting cast of excellent actors and actresses.
Starting at the Reform club in London Fogg accepts a bet to circle the globe in just 80 days. Paris is their first destination where he inadvertenly saves the life of the President. A riot is in progress and Passepartout is mistaken for his brother who was involved. With angry gendarmes in hot pursuit their only means of escape is in a hot air basket. In Italy Fogg drives a train over broken rails and saves a young boy's life. Their next destination is a dangerous desert crossing in Yemen. Next stop is India where Fogg arbitrates on behalf of a young army soldier accused of desertion. In Hong Kong Fogg finds his funds have been blocked by a blaggard back home who doesn't want him to succeed. Funds re-instated that same blaggard has arranged for the trio to be cast off the boat they were travelling on and are castaway on an island. But of course they are rescued and soon arrive in Ameria. Racing through the Rockies they meet some dastardly criminals and narrowly escape a shoot out. And finally, almost home, a frustrating red tape incident threatens to sabotage the bet, but they arrive back at the Reform club with just seconds to spare.

 Be safe and well   
Polly x


  1. Replies
    1. He's so good in everything I've seen him in.

  2. I remember reading the book in French when I was in high school. But I actually don't remember any of it!

  3. I watched this on PBS this past winter. I LOVED it! Beautiful filming, great story and characters. It was loads of fun.

  4. I had a children's picture-book version of this many, many years ago. A fine yarn.

  5. That looks good - I'll have to see if it's available here.

  6. I liked David Tennant in Broadchurch, but have not seen 80 Days, so based on this recommendation will check it out on PBS.

    1. It's well worth watching if you can find it Beatrice.

  7. Good morning, Polly, and thank you for the fun post!
    This series has been on my what-to-watch list for some time. I have seen a trailer and it looked really promising. We are lucky to see it on YLE (our "BBC").
    Wishing you happy spring days. Stay well!

    1. Thank you Sara, it's good to hear from you.

  8. WE watched the first episode but didn't enjoy it very much - in spite of David Tennant!
