This walk involves a lot of fields
First the playing field. The direction of the walk is behind me
but I couldn't get a good photo because of the sun in my camera.
Through the first wheat field
and another, and another one beyond those trees
I have coveted this house for years. I would love to have a look inside.
we turn off the road at that fir tree
and walk along the edge of this property, up to the gate.
Rufus has to be on the lead because I think that tape is electrified.
I'm not sure why though, I've never seen any animals in this field.
Saying hello to the horses
and onto another field, heading to those trees in the distance
that is lovely and cool on a hot day
it leads out to a lane
This used to be a very nice pub, very old with beamed ceilings and a roaring open fire in winter, and it was beautifully decorated at Christmas. They served good food with special offer days. My friend M and I used to go for lunch on Wednesdays. Unfortunately it closed a couple of years ago. It changed hands a few times, and chefs, and it was quite old fashioned, carpeted flooring, dark mahogany furniture, horse brasses and lots of old pictures. Nowadays people tend to want modern wood flooring, Farrow & Ball decor and modern light furniture.
If I'm pushed for time I turn right here, otherwise I turn left. Let's go left.
This hedgerow is excellent for blackberries
I picked some good ones last week for a blackberry and apple pie. But there are a lot of red ones
that I don't think will ripen now. Not enough rain and sun at the right times
There is a lovely listed house under that tarpaulin. It was home to an elderly gentleman who died a while ago. I only ever said "good morning" when he was in the garden. I met his daughter one day. The house had been neglected, the roof was damaged and the beautiful chimneys were in danger of falling down.
The builders are doing a fantastic restoration job.

Another gorgeous house
with a duck pond in front of it, and a sign asking to look out for them when they cross the road 😊
Onto the lane leading back into the village
I hope you have enjoyed the walk