24 May 2021


Update: After lots of research and going to the blogger help page I think the tech guys have altered the header widget to accomodate mobile phone users.

Hello, I hope one of you lovely readers can help. I wanted to change my header image, went into header; uploaded image from computer; saved it but -  instead of covering  the top part of the page it's tiny. I clicked shrink to fit, that just made the text bigger and over to the left of the page. I have tried everything, spent hours trying to figure it out, and eventually gave up. The smaller image isn't too bad if it was centred but I can't even do that! Any ideas?

∼ Be safe and well ∼ 
Polly x


  1. I wish I could but that was the reason I hired Linda to make me one. I didn't know how. (And where is "header" in blogger -- I never saw that before or I might have tried!)

    1. Hello Jeanie. I was thinking of changing the theme but I'm worried that it might mess up all my previous posts. I have a practice blog and I've changed the theme on that and it still doesn't work. This is the problem with something that is free, limited control. I think I will just stick with the smaller image or no image at all.

  2. Wish I could help. When I run into trouble, a friend helps me out. Good luck with it.

    1. Thank you Marie, I think I will just leave it now.

  3. Did you choose the top choice for placement of image (behind title and description)?
    I’m wondering if it’s a pixel problem with the photo chosen.

    1. Hi Bijoux, yes I tried them all. I have a small library of images I like to use as headers, I saved them in different formats, and tried altering them but nothing worked. I'm hoping that something in blogger will just switch over and return to how it was!

  4. It's not easy to figure it all out, Polly ... I included a link, maybe this can help you with the image sizes. Do hope this helps !


    1. Hello Sylvia, thank you for trying to help, unfortunately it's what I have been doing. I've had a look at the help page in blogger and I think it's something the tech people have done to accomodate mobile phone users.

  5. Sadly, I cannot be of any help Polly. And, it's exactly why I have not changed by header even though it has been many years now since we lived in VA, where we fondly called our older home, The Frog & Penguinn.

    1. Hello Beatrice. If I had known what was going to happen I wouldn't have decided to change it, but hey that's hindsight. I'm used to it now. I would like to change the theme but I'm worried that it might mess up all my previous posts!

  6. No help here either, I'm 100/% technophobe! I'm glad my Fremantle pics bring back happy memories for you Polly, I enjoy visiting Freo so much, the heritage buildings are fantastic. It really took a blow last year at the beginning of Covid, it's where all the big cruise ships come in. Looks like it's picking up nicely again now though. Some of my best meals have been in Freo 💜

    1. Hello Grace, it's nice to hear from you. I'm glad Freo is picking up again, I know how busy it was when I used to visit. My daughter lives in Brisbane now, I was hoping to visit last Christmas, ever the optimist I have booked a flight for this year! I will miss Freo :-(
