31 March 2019

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 
to all the wonderful, loving, caring Mums
My daughter and I celebrated Mother's Day yesterday, and I'm glad we did because today's weather is overcast and chilly. Yesterday was beautiful, sunny and warm. 
My daughter treated me to a day in Canterbury

 browsing, shopping

soaking up the atmosphere

and a scrumptious cream tea at a lovely hotel restaurant

and of course no day out would be complete without a visit to one of my favourite shops!

And today I received this beautiful flower basket from my darling grandson.

~Keep warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. Happy mother’s day love 💕 love 💕 Ria x

  2. Oh, this is nice. Our Mothers Day is in May -- lucky you to have it now when we so sorely need something special in this transition season to spring. Happy Mothering Day to you!

    1. I enjoy two Mother's day celebrations as my youngest daughter lives in Australia and their Mother's day is in May. I usually get a bouquet of flowers from her :-)

  3. Such a special day, you were certainly blessed.

  4. Happy Mother's Day Polly! I am glad you got to spend it in such a lovely way with your daughter!

  5. Aw, a Hotel Chocolat! we visited Canterbury briefly many years ago. Don't remember much about it, probably spent the time in the cathedral. If only I'd known about HC!

    1. Hi Liz, I've just had a weekend in Norwich and just had to visit their HC!! :-)
